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Naruto 477: Don't Speak of Itachi
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Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions
Naruto 477: Don't Speak of Itachi
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Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions

Read Naruto 478 Predictions
Naruto 477 RAW
Full SUMMARY:Number 477: Don't speak of Itachi
Danzou's baffling ability!
Danzou: "As I should expect, Susanoo is ideal for protecting one's body"
Karin: (What's up with him?! There's no doubt he should've died just then! There was only one source of Danzou's chakra, with me able to sense him, so there's no way it was Kage Bunshin! If that's the case...could it be genjutsu?)
Danzou: "!" Susano'o attacks *sfx Goggcha!*
Karin: "!"
Danzou: "Impeccable offensive power as well."
Sasuke: "..."
Karin: (I can't feel any imbalance in Sasuke's inner chakra...and my own chakra is stable...so it can't be that Sasuke and I are caught up in a genjutsu. So...what kind of jutsu is it?!)
Susano'o makes a fist to Danzou *sfx Gaco*
Karin: "Kya!"
Sasuke: "Tch! Amaterasu!"
Danzou: "Guh!" Danzou's body is engulfed in Amaterasu's fire
Sasuke: *Huff-huff*
Madara: "Susano'o and Amaterasu even...that'll wear [him] out. That's overdoing it in testing out [his] abilities"
Karin: "?!"
Danzou: *sfx bassuu*
Karin: "Behind you!"
Sasuke: "!"
Danzou: "Fuuton: Shinkuugyaku" *sfx fuu*
Sasuke gets hit by the attack
Sasuke: "Kuchiyose no jutsu"
Karin: "Phew..."
Madara: "Oh? A new kuchiyose...since when did he get that?"
Danzou: "Amaterasu...it's been a while since I've see that. You are indeed Itachi's little brother."
Karin: "...!" *sfx su*
One of Danzou's Sharingan pupils shut
Karin: "...!"
Sasuke: "Didn't I tell you to not speak of Itachi"
Danzou: "Brothers...so while your powers are the same, what your eyes discern are different...the truth of Itachi and its implications isn't important enough to you/ You lie in the grip of hate, just wanting to lash out/ Making the sacrifice of the Uchiha clan for naught"
Danzou: *sfx suu* "Fuuton: Shinkuuha!" Sasuke avoids it, cutting off Danzou's arm which falls and has a pupil shut
Karin: "...! This..." *sfx suu* It falls then the arm disappears
Karin: "!" *sfx-surprise*
Danzou: "It's no use."
Danzou: "?!"
Danzou: "?!" Around Sasuke there's crows, and then Itachi's figure
Danzou: "This is...!" Itachi, who should be dead....why?! The end
On behalf of the NARUTO Manga and Spoilers team, I'd like to wish you all a great Christmas and holidays and any other celebrations you may be having.
Thank You All, for contributing, reading and commenting
from: Zetsu-sanThank You All, for contributing, reading and commenting
by: N.V.O. (Itasuke)
Naruto 477: Genjutsu Conversation!
(Sasuke & Danzo scene)
Sasuke: (How did that old freak...wait...was that Genjutsu?!)
Danzo: Well well, your Sharingan is still nowhere better than Itachi's, if you couldn't see that 'That' was Genjutsu. Or, have your eye sight blurred that much?
Sasuke: Tsk...you jerk...I won't let you get AWAY WITH THIS!
Danzo: Ninja Art: Binding Star! -A star appears under Sasuke's foot and binds his foot and legs making him unable to move- Now, -Boar- Demonic illusion: Total Darkness! -The place turns into full darkness around Sasuke and Danzo- Now, we can speak.
Sasuke: ...Grr...
Danzo: Where were we? oh, about your clan...
(Yamato & Naruto scene)
-Yamato is carrying Naruto on his back-
Yamato: Naruto...(you're taking this hardly aren't you...?)
Naruto: ...*Pant*...Yam...Captain...Yamato...where are we...heading to?
Yamato: ...
Naruto: ...*Pant*...
Yamato: -Closes his eyes- Back...to Konoha.
Naruto: ...I failed...once again...
Yamato: ...(Sorry...Naruto...)
(Team Sakura scene)
-Sakura is seen rushing towards Sasuke and Danzo-
Sakura: We're coming, Sasuke...just you wait!
(Mizukage & Co. scene)
Ao: Found Danzo, and Sasuke! It seems like they're fighting!
Mizukage: Let's go! -they rush towards them too-
(Kakashi & Sai scene)
Ink Clone Sai: Kiba found Sasuke! and we're heading towards them now!
Kakashi: ?! Forget about Sakura! lead me the way to Sasuke as you've been told by Kiba now! (If, I was able to get there before her, she'll be safe.)
(Sasuke & Danzo scene)
Madara: Genjutsu fight...I see.
Karin: !?!? Wh-what is that?! -closes her eyes- (1..2..3..and there...there's two of them...and even there...there are four of them...and a dog! what's happening?! three groups are coming here soon!) Madara!!
Madara: Hm?
Danzo: Now you know the truth? I bet it was no different than what Itachi told you.
Sasuke: You freak...Itachi told me nothing! Madara revealed the truth...and now, I will definitely kill you!
Danzo: (Madara...so, Itachi was still loyal to the Leaf Village eh?)
Sasuke: Genjutsu: Release!
Danzo: A simple release won't do it, you'll have to--
Sasuke: You old fool, a Genjutsu at this level, is not hard for me to broke. -Stares with Mangekyo- Tsukuyomi!
Danzo: ?!
Will Danzo be able to break free from the Tsukuyomi now that Sasuke caught him in?! and, what will happen when the three groups arrive to the battle scene?!
Naruto 478: Arrival from every direction! The Raging Royal Rumble!
by: Numinous
Naruto 477: Edge of Despair
(Kakashi Scene)
(Kakashi’s dogs are in front of him; Yamato is holding Naruto on his right shoulder)
Kakashi: Pakkun, Akino, Guruku, Bull, go to Konoha and send the information I just told you to the Jounin. Be careful with the Root ANBU nins.
Pakkun: Don’t worry about us, Kakashi.
Kakashi: The rest of you, go to the Fire Daimyo and inform him. Bisuke, you’re leading your group.
Bisuke: We won’t disappoint you. (the dogs leave)
Yamato: I’ll be going, kakashi-senpai. Take care.
Kakashi: I will, Tenzou. (to Sai) Lead the way.
Sai: Yes. (he turns to an ink bird and flies away; Kakashi follows him)
Kakashi: (thinking) I hope she won’t step into her own demise before I reach her.
(Sasuke Scene)
Danzou: Magen: Shoushokuka. * (he opens his mouth and devours the scene, rendering it to darkness)
Sasuke: (thinking) Another genjutsu?
Danzou: Magen: Jubaku Satsu. ** (some vines appear, grabbing Susano’o’s bones and trying to pull them apart.)
Danzou: Those eyes will be mine, ending your wretched clan once and for all.
Sasuke: YOU!!! When I catch you…
Danzou: How do you think you can catch me in the darkness?
Sasuke: You should know I thrive in the darkness… (Susano’o’s sword appears) Finally, I’ll take my revenge on Konoha! (Susanoo thrusts its sword to the vines origin; nothing happens)
Danzou: My, my, my, how quick you are to dismiss those who raised you. You’re nothing more than a lowly rogue, like all of your clan…
Sasuke: Raised me? All I had was a bunch of lies, arranged by you, hypocrite!
Danzou: Hmpf, feisty.
*Demonic Illusion: Light’s Devourer
** Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
(Karin Scene)
Karin: (thinking) The Kirigakure’s crew is here! I should warn Sasuke, but he’s fighting… what should I do?!
(Mei Scene)
(Mei, Ao and Choujuurou arrive to a tree’s branch, near Sasuke’s location)
Ao: As I told you, Sasuke is with him, Mizukage-sama.
Mei: I see. They seem to be motionless… a genjutsu fight?
Ao: It seems so.
Choujuurou: What happened to his guards?
Mei: (points at Madara, in the opposite side) I think Madara took care of them.
Ao: I still can’t believe he’s alive, but I trust your word…
Choujuurou: So, what should we do about Danzou?
Mei: I think we should wait until they separate. We don’t know what Madara is capable of, so let’s focus only in Danzou.
(Madara Scene)
(Zetsu appears near Madara)
Madara: So, do we have the Hachibi?
Zetsu: (with his leaves closed; sounds muffled) Hmrgphrargh.
Madara: Uh?
White Zetsu: (opens his leaves and spits Kisame’s head) That’s why.
Madara: (facepalms) …
Dark Zetsu: An unfortunate event, but quite tasty. If you don’t mind, I need to nourish myself…
White Zetsu: Yes, since the Raikage snapped my neck I need to rest.
Madara: Very well, we’ll meet in the hideout, I need to reformulate my plans.
White Zetsu: What about the other two Taka Team members?
Dark Zetsu: Who cares about them? Now pick Kisame’s head, I’m hungry. (picks up the head, closes his leaves and disappears)
Madara: Yet another obstacle in my path. No matter, I’ll achieve my goal soon enough…
(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: I’m tired of your games, Danzou. Magen: Kasegui!* (Danzou appears, immobilized by illusory yokes) Do you think you’re the only one who knows genjutsu?
Danzou: You’re quite gifted, Sasuke, but that’s not enough. (he breaks the genjutsu)
Sasuke: (he covers Susano’o with Amaterasu) Enton: Kagutsuchi! (dark flames fly from Susano’o towards Danzou)
Danzou: Blade of Wind. (he waves his hand, forming a strong gust of wind that blocks Kagutsuchi) Your attacks are wasted on me. (Kagutsuchi receeds back to Susano’o)
Sasuke: You talk too much.
Danzou: Well, I said “let’s talk with our eyes”, remember? (unwraps the clothes covering his right eye) See, you’re not the only one owning the secrets of the Mangekyo Sharingan… (his Sharingans start to transform into Mangekyo Sharingans with a triquetra pattern on them)
Sasuke: You’re mad if you think I’ll allow that! (Susano’o thrusts his sword towards Danzou; the attack is stopped by a chakra-formed dragon with watery patterns that surrounds Danzou, grasping Susano’o’s sword with its claws) What the…?!
Danzou: Surprised by Ryuujin **?
*Demonic Illusion Shackling Stakes.
** Ryuujin (aka Watatsumi) is the guardian of the sea, born from Izanagi’s ceremonial purification rituals after he returned from the Underworld; Susano’o is the god of the sea, born from Izanagi’s nose.
(Sakura Scene)
(Kiba sniffs the air)
Kiba: I caught Sasuke’s scent! (Sakura looks shocked)
Lee: Yosh!
Sai: …
Kiba: But it seems that Danzou and that masked Akatsuki are near him. Should we still go after Sasuke?
Sakura: Yes. We won’t give up now.
Kiba: You’re the one calling the shots… follow me!
Sakura: (thinking) Sasuke, what are you doing?
(Naruto Scene)
(He’s surrounded by darkness)
Naruto: Where am I? (the darkness transforms into crows) Crows?
Itachi: (appearing from behind, with a crow on his shoulder) We need to talk, Uzumaki Naruto.
Naruto 478: Haunting Past
by: ShiverX
Posted: 17 Dec 2009
The scenery is on the bridge with Sasuke and Danzou fighting.
"Let's contiue this and talk with our eyes." Danzou proclaims!
Danzou makes a hand-seal and launches a Katon jutsu!
Sasuke avoids just in time. and the Katon continues and phases through Madara.
"In deed, let's do just that" Sasuke replies landing at Danzou's side.
"Oh, so you understand subtle messages, huh?" Danzou seems pleased.
Sasuke's eyes avert from Madara a second and he stares at Danzou.
"Wipe that smug of your face. Your next Danzou!"
"Hmmpphh, don't flatter yourself brat."
They both turn towards Madara that has been watching it all.
"My My, your full of surprises, aren't you Sasuke....."
"Not!" Madara's voice is suddenly behind both Sasuke and Danzou!!
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Switch scene to Sakura and team:
They are moving through the land of Iron. Sakura thinks of Naruto.
Kiba: - "Sakura!! I have picked up the scent of Sasuke!"
All is astonished by this news!! They land and stop to regroup.
"Sasuke..." Sakura seems to be in deep thought."I hoped there would be more time to prepare" She thinks to herself.. Sakura looks up determined.
"We need to find him as fast as possible, if we are lucky we can end this quickly!"
Everyone looks at each other and at Sakura worried by her words.
"Sakura... I am sorry for doing this but I can't allow you to go any further." Sai stands in front of Sakura.
"What are you talking about Sai?" Sakura is confused but seems irritated.
"I have told Naruto about everything. This is my fault Sakura, I should never have told you the things I did. Kakashi is coming here to stop you. As a part of team7.."
Sai is interrupted as Sakura strikes at him with full force. She hits him in the guts and he flies to the ground hard. In a poof he disappears.
"Show yourself Sai!" Sakura screams in rage!
Sai walks out from behind a tree, suddenly he seems to be shocked. " I...I just released my shadow clone, what.."
"Enough! Why did you tell Kakashi and Naruto! You promised me!" Sakura's voice is upset.
"Because it is not right Sakura. You know this! " Sai shows a great deal of emotion.
"I have made up my mind! Out of my way!!" Sakura launches at Sai with another punch, crying.
Sai averts the punch by jumping up in the air, landing behind Sakura.
"Sakura!! There is no time for this!! Naruto!! He.. He is not well!" Sai seems to be very upset and confused. Sakura looks shocked at him. He is crying. "Kakashi wants you to return and help!!
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Switch scene:
There is darkness all around..A growling is in the background...
"Where am I?...." Naruto slowly gets up from the floor. He looks around and discovers the Kyuubi gate. "You!..." he whispers between his teeth. "This is all your fault!! All this strife, because of you and your kind!! Who am I!?"
Naruto falls to his knees again and holds his chest as his head is bowed. He is crying. "It is to much, I can't save everybody! Why is everything turning out this way!!"
"Why indeed....grrrrrr" The kyuubi responds to his complain. "You would be much better of if you released me!! "
Naruto looks up in anger. "Oh yeah!? I still remember what happened last time I almost released you!! You hurt everyone I love!! You try to take control!" Naruto is furious"
"You can shout at me if you want, but the fact is you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me...grrrrr......I saved you!!" The Kyuubi growls again at Naruto.
"Saved!? You just tried to take over!!" Naruto walks over to the cage and punches his fist into it. The Kyuubi backs of.
"I only did that because your weak!! I will not be contained in a weak person!! Look at you!? grr he he.." The Kyuubi taunting Naruto's weakness.
Naruto gets a furious look in his eyes and he meets the Kyuubis stare head on. " I am stronger than you!!"
The Kyuubi's eyes narrow. "Then Show it boy!! grrr.... Show it and i will lend you my power!! grrr.... If not! Then release me and let me take care of things, as it should be!! grrr..."
Naruto is astounded by these words. "Show....you....." he whispers.
" You have the key right??" The Kyuubi replies to Naruto's whisper. "Then you can show me your resolve!"
What is the Kyuubi plotting now?! What is this key!?
Naruto 478: New Alliances
Posted: 17 Dec 2009
Naruto 477: Danzou’s Skill
(Sasuke notices Danzou’s presence as he turns around. Danzou draws out his short-sword and diagonally slashes with his left hand. With quick reflexes, Sasuke draws out his katana with his right hand [though since Sasuke doesn’t have the time to reposition his blade, he ends up in a defensive stance with the tip of his blade pointing downward] and as he completes his full turn, the two blades crosses as sparks fly across the area. Danzou and Sasuke then break apart from each other and back off maybe a few meters separating them. The scene switches to Karin in the small crevice near the fight.)
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Karin: A clone? I was fooled too… It had to of been. Sasuke’s sharingan would have saw through a genjutsu… (The scene drops back on to the battle.)
Sasuke in thought: What were those hand seals for? That substitution clone? (Sasuke remembers back to when Danzou made the rabbit, boar, and sheep hand signs.)
(Danzou smirks.)
Danzou: I see…
Sasuke: Bastard! (Blood drops from Sasuke’s left eye. Danzou is shocked.)
Danzou: Amatearsu!? (Soon Danzou is engulfed in black flames. He is screaming and doing the stop drop and roll [lol] Karin cheers from her crevice…)
Karin: Well, that’s all she wrote… (Switches back to the battle. )
Sasuke: Hmph… (Sasuke turns his back and begins walking however, immediately Danzou is behind Sasuke again. Sasuke gets angry… He turns around to face Danzou… Sasuke closes his left and focuses with his right eye.)
Sasuke: STOP FUCKIN AROUND WITH ME! (Danzou falls over from an apparent Tsukukyomi.)
Karin: It has to be over now, that’s the strongest illusion! I don’t sense anything else…
(Danzou lands in front of Sasuke [from where ever] Karin is shocked.)
Karin: Multiple shadow clones? Their chakras all felt the same, so they must be… But his chakra just came out of nowhere. What the hell is going on here?
Danzou: Yess. The power of the Mangekyou Sharingan is finally revealed to me… I thank you Uchiha Sasuke for showing me this sight, the power in which gave the wielder the qualification to hold the world in his hands. Now I know what I’m up against!
Sasuke: Hiding behind the scenes like the coward you are… It’s time to end this.
Danzou: The experiment is over by the way. (The Scene switches to the Cabin. Naruto is in bed sleeping.)
Mysterious voice: Take me to Sasuke… (Naruto sits up frightened, all of a sudden he starts gagging.) Naruto: AHGAHGAHGH! (A crow flies out of his both then forms into the guise of Itachi.)
Itachi: Why so shocked? I sealed part of me inside of you for a reason. It’s running on a limited chakra, so don’t force anything… By this time I must already be dead considering what Sasuke is up to…
Naruto Screeching : EEEEEEEK! (Yamato comes crashing in.)
Yamato: What’s wrong Naruto, we needed to start-HOLY MOTHER OF!
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
(The scene drops on Madara who is overlooking the battle field.)
Madara: I should’ve seen this coming… If Danzou is planning “That” it could in fact put Sasuke at a huge disadvantage in this battle… (The Scene drops back on the battle, we see the picture distorting and eventually cracking all across the area, showing the dispelling of a genjutsu however, Karin and Sasuke failed to notice the change when they were let out of the genjutsu.)
Danzou in thought: He can use Katon and has amplified Chidori variations from what the records say. Not to mention his Mangekyou techniques. He couldn’t tell that he was in my genjutsu… This will easily fall into my favor… (Danzou makes the Kage Bunshin no jutsu hand sign and produces one shadow clone. Sasuke takes notice as the scene switches to Karin.)
Karin: Another shadow clone? (The Scene switches over to Madara’s location.)
Madara In Thought: I thought so… Danzou picked up on Sasuke’s inability to sense that level of genjutsu… The sharingan usually can tell if someone is formed by a genjutsu by studying the unequal chakra patterns of the attacker. However in this the case, victim with the sharingan is placed in a genjutsu by a technique that controls how the victim perceives his natural surroundings.
The attacker’s chakra mimics the chakra patters of a perfectly normal person, so even the sharingan is fooled. That makes this level of genjutsu quite deadly. Danzou’s genjutsu is much more subtle yet, it’s a dangerous genjutsu that’s hard to detect. If one doesn’t have usually high genjutsu awareness, that person can’t break it. You have to know you’re in a genjutsu to break it…
This is perhaps a bad opponent for Sasuke. I might have to get involved, Sasuke wasn’t a genjutsu type to begin with…(The Scene switches back to the battle. Danzou’s shadow clone rushes forward. )
Sasuke: It’s just a shadow clone…. (As it gets closer, Danzou’s clone makes the same hand signs as before.) What does it mean?
(The Shadow clone extends its right hand like he’s doing a straight right punch. Sasuke avoids by slipping his head.)
Danzou in thought from a distance: Success… (The shadow clone in front of Sasuke makes a hand sign. Then Danzou draws out his short-sword from afar, while Sasuke stands in front of the shadow clone not moving an inch while the real Danzou prepares to attack. The Scene switches over to Madara as he’s worried.)
Madara: That’s Danzou’s skill. In order to fight while he focuses on genjutsu, he needs a separate body. Hmm, Sarutobi was also known for his proficiency with the shadow clone jutsu however, in order for Danzou to stand in his light, he also became proficient in the jutsu. It seems those two youngsters uses shadow clones to split up the work needed for casting their jutsu.
Naruto 478: Unleashed
Posted: 17 Dec 2009
Naruto 477: The Awakening Has Begun
Naruto finds himself sitting in darkness. Naruto flashbacks to the valley of the end. Naruto scrapes the leaf symbol on the headband of sasuke while sasuke knocks him unconscious.
Naruto thinking: "Should I have killed him on that day?"
Naruto flashbacks to spending time with Jiraiya training together with both of them happy.
Naruto thinking: "Did I really fail him?"
Naruto closes his eyes and suddenly a quiet voice seems to call out from the darkness.
Voice: "They betrayed you just like I said they would. Your friends have deserted you. Your
lofty goals of peace have been shattered by a violent war. All you have left is you and me.
Just as it has always been."
Naruto turns around to see the kyubi is manifested right next to him.
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Naruto: "Go away fox. Im in no mood to debate with you on your freedom."
The kyubi laughs to itself and then naruto stands up with his back turned to the kyubi.
Kyubi: "I overheard what was said by Madara and his plans. It seems my goals for freedom are now meaningless cause as long as Madara lives I will be hunted down by akatsuki."
Naruto: "But nothing can be done. I have failed in every direction I have turned. Now all I have left as you said is myself."
Kyubi: "Than maybe its time you stopped relying on your team mates and focus more on what must really be done in this situation."
Naruto: "And that is?"
Kyubi: "Put those goals of peace and friendship asside. You are meant for war not for peace."
Naruto: "What you suggest is to abandon all that I have been. My time as a genin. My friendship with so many people. Even my promise to those who have died. No I can not give that up."
Kyubi: "What other choice do you have? Your friends have abandoned you. your goals of peace are ruined. The only choice you have is to rely on yourself and me?"
Naruto: "What are you proposing we do?"
Kyubi: "For starters it is time we focus on our one goal. Our one target that above all must die."
Naruto: "Madara. But how do you propose we kill someone like that?"
Kyubi: "You are not the only one with many techniques. I too have many we can use to destroy akatsuki but there is one provision I request before we begin."
Naruto: "You want me to use your chakra and remove the seal?"
Kyubi: "No. This will be a far greater price than you have ever paid before but in turn it will grant you the power you need to defeat Madara."
Naruto: "What exactly are you gonna do?"
Naruto is being carried away on Yamoto's shoulder. Yamoto doesn't notice as a trickle of blood begins to flow from Naruto. Inside Naruto's mind, Naruto is screaming in pains as some black and red runes begin to appear all over his body while he is covered in a ball of light. At the same time the kyubi is curled around naruto in a position with its arms focus on naruto with all tails
pointing at Naruto.
Kyubi: "Soon you shall know the power of kyubi as you have never known it before."
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Sasuke sees Danzo about to slash him when suddenly he realizes its a genjutsu and he breaks it instantly. Danzo is shown standing a distance away with is sharingan eyes on his arm all glowing. Danzo smiles and unsheaths his sword. Sasuke charges forward and uses chidori current on the ground near Danzo. Danzo jumps into the air easily doding the current while keeping an eye on Sasuke. Sasuke charges forward and attempts to slash Danzo as he lands but he easily parries the slash. The two of their swords hold tight against each other. Danzo smiles while sasuke backs up and attempts to slash Madara's legs. Madara easily dodges the slash and attempts to disarm sasuke with a slash to sasuke's arm. Sasuke counters with an upward slash that disarms Danzo instead. Danzo attempts to back up but Sasuke immediately brings his sword in for a stab but suddenly Danzo again vanishes.
Sasuke thinking: "But there were no hand signs. How did he vanish like that?"
Danzo almost hits a slash on sasuke but sasuke narrowly parries the slash at the last second as Danzo lands right next to him.
Madara thinking: "Interesting. His technique is almost as fast as mine."
Karin: "I don't know if Sasuke can keep up with Danzo like this for much longer."
Sasuke tries to hit danzo with a chidori while swinging the sword at Danzo's right side. Danzo parries the blade and then with his other arm hits a vicious uppercut to sasuke's jaw. Sasuke spits out blood as he lands backward with a shocked look on his face.
Karin: "Sasuke!"
Yamoto is sitting by a camp fire dozed off. Yamoto stirs awake at a loud crashing sound. He looks to see Naruto is missing.
Yamoto: "Damn it! Where is he? What was that noise?"
Yamoto looks and sees a ball of red light in the distance. Yamoto runs over to find Naruto with 3 other clones that have angry looks on their faces. One nods its head and then begins to perform hand signs. Suddenly the clone explodes into balls of chakra energy that seem to float in the air. The balls then form together into one big ball that floats above naruto. The others begin to add wind chakra while another goes sage and begins adding sage chakra. The clones disperse leaving only Naruto by himself. The ball begins to ripple and grow to a far larger size than before.
Yamoto thinking: "What is Naruto doing? That attack is extremely powerful and very unstable."
The wind seems to suddenly pick up as wind is pushing things back from naruto. A crater forms around Naruto as the energy ball begins to rise from the ground. Yamoto quickly turns around and runs as fast as he can before hiding behind a boulder. Suddenly a huge explosion occurs as the ball explodes in a huge wave of energy. Yamoto tries to peak over the side only to see the land has been annihilated by a huge wave of chakra. Naruto stands in there giggling but his eyes are kyubi eyes. Yamoto suddenly feels a burning pain on his hand is shocked to see the 9 tails on his hand. Yamoto ducks back behind the boulder.
Yamoto: "Shit! What the hell is going on here?!"
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Suddenly the kyubi naruto lifts up the boulder and tosses it asside as a shocked Yamoto looks at Naruto whos face is showing an evil looking grin with a kyubi eye and a sage eye.
Kyubi Naruto: "Behold for you are the first witness to my return. Go back to Konoha and tell the others the kyubi is free once again."
Yamoto has a horrified look on his face while the Kyubi laughs evily at Yamoto's shocked expression.
Naruto 478: The Madness Begins
Posted: 17 Dec 2009
The scenery is on the bridge with Sasuke and Danzou fighting.
"Let's contiue this and talk with our eyes." Danzou proclaims!
Danzou makes a hand-seal and launches a Katon jutsu!
Sasuke avoids just in time. and the Katon continues and phases through Madara.
"In deed, let's do just that" Sasuke replies landing at Danzou's side.
"Oh, so you understand subtle messages, huh?" Danzou seems pleased.
Sasuke's eyes avert from Madara a second and he stares at Danzou.
"Wipe that smug of your face. Your next Danzou!"
"Hmmpphh, don't flatter yourself brat."
They both turn towards Madara that has been watching it all.
"My My, your full of surprises, aren't you Sasuke....."
"Not!" Madara's voice is suddenly behind both Sasuke and Danzou!!
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Switch scene to Sakura and team:
They are moving through the land of Iron. Sakura thinks of Naruto.
Kiba: - "Sakura!! I have picked up the scent of Sasuke!"
All is astonished by this news!! They land and stop to regroup.
"Sasuke..." Sakura seems to be in deep thought."I hoped there would be more time to prepare" She thinks to herself.. Sakura looks up determined.
"We need to find him as fast as possible, if we are lucky we can end this quickly!"
Everyone looks at each other and at Sakura worried by her words.
"Sakura... I am sorry for doing this but I can't allow you to go any further." Sai stands in front of Sakura.
"What are you talking about Sai?" Sakura is confused but seems irritated.
"I have told Naruto about everything. This is my fault Sakura, I should never have told you the things I did. Kakashi is coming here to stop you. As a part of team7.."
Sai is interrupted as Sakura strikes at him with full force. She hits him in the guts and he flies to the ground hard. In a poof he disappears.
"Show yourself Sai!" Sakura screams in rage!
Sai walks out from behind a tree, suddenly he seems to be shocked. " I...I just released my shadow clone, what.."
"Enough! Why did you tell Kakashi and Naruto! You promised me!" Sakura's voice is upset.
"Because it is not right Sakura. You know this! " Sai shows a great deal of emotion.
"I have made up my mind! Out of my way!!" Sakura launches at Sai with another punch, crying.
Sai averts the punch by jumping up in the air, landing behind Sakura.
"Sakura!! There is no time for this!! Naruto!! He.. He is not well!" Sai seems to be very upset and confused. Sakura looks shocked at him. He is crying. "Kakashi wants you to return and help!!
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Switch scene:
There is darkness all around..A growling is in the background...
"Where am I?...." Naruto slowly gets up from the floor. He looks around and discovers the Kyuubi gate. "You!..." he whispers between his teeth. "This is all your fault!! All this strife, because of you and your kind!! Who am I!?"
Naruto falls to his knees again and holds his chest as his head is bowed. He is crying. "It is to much, I can't save everybody! Why is everything turning out this way!!"
"Why indeed....grrrrrr" The kyuubi responds to his complain. "You would be much better of if you released me!! "
Naruto looks up in anger. "Oh yeah!? I still remember what happened last time I almost released you!! You hurt everyone I love!! You try to take control!" Naruto is furious"
"You can shout at me if you want, but the fact is you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me...grrrrr......I saved you!!" The Kyuubi growls again at Naruto.
"Saved!? You just tried to take over!!" Naruto walks over to the cage and punches his fist into it. The Kyuubi backs of.
"I only did that because your weak!! I will not be contained in a weak person!! Look at you!? grr he he.." The Kyuubi taunting Naruto's weakness.
Naruto gets a furious look in his eyes and he meets the Kyuubis stare head on. " I am stronger than you!!"
The Kyuubi's eyes narrow. "Then Show it boy!! grrr.... Show it and i will lend you my power!! grrr.... If not! Then release me and let me take care of things, as it should be!! grrr..."
Naruto is astounded by these words. "Show....you....." he whispers.
" You have the key right??" The Kyuubi replies to Naruto's whisper. "Then you can show me your resolve!"
What is the Kyuubi plotting now?! What is this key!?
Naruto 478: New Alliances
by: The Special OnePosted: 17 Dec 2009
Naruto 477: Danzou’s Skill
(Sasuke notices Danzou’s presence as he turns around. Danzou draws out his short-sword and diagonally slashes with his left hand. With quick reflexes, Sasuke draws out his katana with his right hand [though since Sasuke doesn’t have the time to reposition his blade, he ends up in a defensive stance with the tip of his blade pointing downward] and as he completes his full turn, the two blades crosses as sparks fly across the area. Danzou and Sasuke then break apart from each other and back off maybe a few meters separating them. The scene switches to Karin in the small crevice near the fight.)
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Karin: A clone? I was fooled too… It had to of been. Sasuke’s sharingan would have saw through a genjutsu… (The scene drops back on to the battle.)
Sasuke in thought: What were those hand seals for? That substitution clone? (Sasuke remembers back to when Danzou made the rabbit, boar, and sheep hand signs.)
(Danzou smirks.)
Danzou: I see…
Sasuke: Bastard! (Blood drops from Sasuke’s left eye. Danzou is shocked.)
Danzou: Amatearsu!? (Soon Danzou is engulfed in black flames. He is screaming and doing the stop drop and roll [lol] Karin cheers from her crevice…)
Karin: Well, that’s all she wrote… (Switches back to the battle. )
Sasuke: Hmph… (Sasuke turns his back and begins walking however, immediately Danzou is behind Sasuke again. Sasuke gets angry… He turns around to face Danzou… Sasuke closes his left and focuses with his right eye.)
Sasuke: STOP FUCKIN AROUND WITH ME! (Danzou falls over from an apparent Tsukukyomi.)
Karin: It has to be over now, that’s the strongest illusion! I don’t sense anything else…
(Danzou lands in front of Sasuke [from where ever] Karin is shocked.)
Karin: Multiple shadow clones? Their chakras all felt the same, so they must be… But his chakra just came out of nowhere. What the hell is going on here?
Danzou: Yess. The power of the Mangekyou Sharingan is finally revealed to me… I thank you Uchiha Sasuke for showing me this sight, the power in which gave the wielder the qualification to hold the world in his hands. Now I know what I’m up against!
Sasuke: Hiding behind the scenes like the coward you are… It’s time to end this.
Danzou: The experiment is over by the way. (The Scene switches to the Cabin. Naruto is in bed sleeping.)
Mysterious voice: Take me to Sasuke… (Naruto sits up frightened, all of a sudden he starts gagging.) Naruto: AHGAHGAHGH! (A crow flies out of his both then forms into the guise of Itachi.)
Itachi: Why so shocked? I sealed part of me inside of you for a reason. It’s running on a limited chakra, so don’t force anything… By this time I must already be dead considering what Sasuke is up to…
Naruto Screeching : EEEEEEEK! (Yamato comes crashing in.)
Yamato: What’s wrong Naruto, we needed to start-HOLY MOTHER OF!
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
(The scene drops on Madara who is overlooking the battle field.)
Madara: I should’ve seen this coming… If Danzou is planning “That” it could in fact put Sasuke at a huge disadvantage in this battle… (The Scene drops back on the battle, we see the picture distorting and eventually cracking all across the area, showing the dispelling of a genjutsu however, Karin and Sasuke failed to notice the change when they were let out of the genjutsu.)
Danzou in thought: He can use Katon and has amplified Chidori variations from what the records say. Not to mention his Mangekyou techniques. He couldn’t tell that he was in my genjutsu… This will easily fall into my favor… (Danzou makes the Kage Bunshin no jutsu hand sign and produces one shadow clone. Sasuke takes notice as the scene switches to Karin.)
Karin: Another shadow clone? (The Scene switches over to Madara’s location.)
Madara In Thought: I thought so… Danzou picked up on Sasuke’s inability to sense that level of genjutsu… The sharingan usually can tell if someone is formed by a genjutsu by studying the unequal chakra patterns of the attacker. However in this the case, victim with the sharingan is placed in a genjutsu by a technique that controls how the victim perceives his natural surroundings.
The attacker’s chakra mimics the chakra patters of a perfectly normal person, so even the sharingan is fooled. That makes this level of genjutsu quite deadly. Danzou’s genjutsu is much more subtle yet, it’s a dangerous genjutsu that’s hard to detect. If one doesn’t have usually high genjutsu awareness, that person can’t break it. You have to know you’re in a genjutsu to break it…
This is perhaps a bad opponent for Sasuke. I might have to get involved, Sasuke wasn’t a genjutsu type to begin with…(The Scene switches back to the battle. Danzou’s shadow clone rushes forward. )
Sasuke: It’s just a shadow clone…. (As it gets closer, Danzou’s clone makes the same hand signs as before.) What does it mean?
(The Shadow clone extends its right hand like he’s doing a straight right punch. Sasuke avoids by slipping his head.)
Danzou in thought from a distance: Success… (The shadow clone in front of Sasuke makes a hand sign. Then Danzou draws out his short-sword from afar, while Sasuke stands in front of the shadow clone not moving an inch while the real Danzou prepares to attack. The Scene switches over to Madara as he’s worried.)
Madara: That’s Danzou’s skill. In order to fight while he focuses on genjutsu, he needs a separate body. Hmm, Sarutobi was also known for his proficiency with the shadow clone jutsu however, in order for Danzou to stand in his light, he also became proficient in the jutsu. It seems those two youngsters uses shadow clones to split up the work needed for casting their jutsu.
Naruto 478: Unleashed
by: JeanericuserPosted: 17 Dec 2009
Naruto 477: The Awakening Has Begun
Naruto finds himself sitting in darkness. Naruto flashbacks to the valley of the end. Naruto scrapes the leaf symbol on the headband of sasuke while sasuke knocks him unconscious.
Naruto thinking: "Should I have killed him on that day?"
Naruto flashbacks to spending time with Jiraiya training together with both of them happy.
Naruto thinking: "Did I really fail him?"
Naruto closes his eyes and suddenly a quiet voice seems to call out from the darkness.
Voice: "They betrayed you just like I said they would. Your friends have deserted you. Your
lofty goals of peace have been shattered by a violent war. All you have left is you and me.
Just as it has always been."
Naruto turns around to see the kyubi is manifested right next to him.
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Naruto: "Go away fox. Im in no mood to debate with you on your freedom."
The kyubi laughs to itself and then naruto stands up with his back turned to the kyubi.
Kyubi: "I overheard what was said by Madara and his plans. It seems my goals for freedom are now meaningless cause as long as Madara lives I will be hunted down by akatsuki."
Naruto: "But nothing can be done. I have failed in every direction I have turned. Now all I have left as you said is myself."
Kyubi: "Than maybe its time you stopped relying on your team mates and focus more on what must really be done in this situation."
Naruto: "And that is?"
Kyubi: "Put those goals of peace and friendship asside. You are meant for war not for peace."
Naruto: "What you suggest is to abandon all that I have been. My time as a genin. My friendship with so many people. Even my promise to those who have died. No I can not give that up."
Kyubi: "What other choice do you have? Your friends have abandoned you. your goals of peace are ruined. The only choice you have is to rely on yourself and me?"
Naruto: "What are you proposing we do?"
Kyubi: "For starters it is time we focus on our one goal. Our one target that above all must die."
Naruto: "Madara. But how do you propose we kill someone like that?"
Kyubi: "You are not the only one with many techniques. I too have many we can use to destroy akatsuki but there is one provision I request before we begin."
Naruto: "You want me to use your chakra and remove the seal?"
Kyubi: "No. This will be a far greater price than you have ever paid before but in turn it will grant you the power you need to defeat Madara."
Naruto: "What exactly are you gonna do?"
Naruto is being carried away on Yamoto's shoulder. Yamoto doesn't notice as a trickle of blood begins to flow from Naruto. Inside Naruto's mind, Naruto is screaming in pains as some black and red runes begin to appear all over his body while he is covered in a ball of light. At the same time the kyubi is curled around naruto in a position with its arms focus on naruto with all tails
pointing at Naruto.
Kyubi: "Soon you shall know the power of kyubi as you have never known it before."
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Sasuke sees Danzo about to slash him when suddenly he realizes its a genjutsu and he breaks it instantly. Danzo is shown standing a distance away with is sharingan eyes on his arm all glowing. Danzo smiles and unsheaths his sword. Sasuke charges forward and uses chidori current on the ground near Danzo. Danzo jumps into the air easily doding the current while keeping an eye on Sasuke. Sasuke charges forward and attempts to slash Danzo as he lands but he easily parries the slash. The two of their swords hold tight against each other. Danzo smiles while sasuke backs up and attempts to slash Madara's legs. Madara easily dodges the slash and attempts to disarm sasuke with a slash to sasuke's arm. Sasuke counters with an upward slash that disarms Danzo instead. Danzo attempts to back up but Sasuke immediately brings his sword in for a stab but suddenly Danzo again vanishes.
Sasuke thinking: "But there were no hand signs. How did he vanish like that?"
Danzo almost hits a slash on sasuke but sasuke narrowly parries the slash at the last second as Danzo lands right next to him.
Madara thinking: "Interesting. His technique is almost as fast as mine."
Karin: "I don't know if Sasuke can keep up with Danzo like this for much longer."
Sasuke tries to hit danzo with a chidori while swinging the sword at Danzo's right side. Danzo parries the blade and then with his other arm hits a vicious uppercut to sasuke's jaw. Sasuke spits out blood as he lands backward with a shocked look on his face.
Karin: "Sasuke!"
Yamoto is sitting by a camp fire dozed off. Yamoto stirs awake at a loud crashing sound. He looks to see Naruto is missing.
Yamoto: "Damn it! Where is he? What was that noise?"
Yamoto looks and sees a ball of red light in the distance. Yamoto runs over to find Naruto with 3 other clones that have angry looks on their faces. One nods its head and then begins to perform hand signs. Suddenly the clone explodes into balls of chakra energy that seem to float in the air. The balls then form together into one big ball that floats above naruto. The others begin to add wind chakra while another goes sage and begins adding sage chakra. The clones disperse leaving only Naruto by himself. The ball begins to ripple and grow to a far larger size than before.
Yamoto thinking: "What is Naruto doing? That attack is extremely powerful and very unstable."
The wind seems to suddenly pick up as wind is pushing things back from naruto. A crater forms around Naruto as the energy ball begins to rise from the ground. Yamoto quickly turns around and runs as fast as he can before hiding behind a boulder. Suddenly a huge explosion occurs as the ball explodes in a huge wave of energy. Yamoto tries to peak over the side only to see the land has been annihilated by a huge wave of chakra. Naruto stands in there giggling but his eyes are kyubi eyes. Yamoto suddenly feels a burning pain on his hand is shocked to see the 9 tails on his hand. Yamoto ducks back behind the boulder.
Yamoto: "Shit! What the hell is going on here?!"
more Naruto 477 predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Suddenly the kyubi naruto lifts up the boulder and tosses it asside as a shocked Yamoto looks at Naruto whos face is showing an evil looking grin with a kyubi eye and a sage eye.
Kyubi Naruto: "Behold for you are the first witness to my return. Go back to Konoha and tell the others the kyubi is free once again."
Yamoto has a horrified look on his face while the Kyubi laughs evily at Yamoto's shocked expression.
Naruto 478: The Madness Begins
Naruto 476
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Read Naruto 477 Predictions

Read Naruto 477 Predictions

Read Naruto 477 Predictions

Read Naruto 477 Predictions

Read Naruto 477 Predictions

by: Rock.Lee
Also read Rock.Lee's previous predictions
Hachibi Scene
Killer Bee : Forgive me brother!!!
Raikage : It’s okay bee…
Killer Bee : What happened to your left hand?
Raikage : It was the Uchiha brat!!! He attacked the Kage Summit….
Killer Bee : That Uchiha Sasuke of the Leaf….. I’ll ruin the Leaf Village !!!!
Raikage – It’s in ruins already…
Killer Bee : What?? How?? When?? !!
Raikage : It was Pain, the rinnegan bearer and the leader of the missing-nin group Akatsuki, went to the Leaf Village to get the Nine-Tailed Kyubi…. He killed everyone coming his way to stop him… and so he attacked the Village Several ninjas were killed and even the 5th Hokage was attacked but Naruto Uzumaki , a genin of the leaf and the host of the Nine-Tailed Kyubi just came on time and saved her…. He even killed Pain and his 6 paths….
So to sum it up….. The Akatsuki is after the Hacchibi and the Kyubi!!!
Killer Bee : (thinking – he must have trained really well with the Kyubi) They’re after me and the Nine-tails!!! But why? What do they want from us??
Raikage : The two members of the Akatsuki from whom you’ve already tackled came to take away the Hachibi from you…. The’ve already got upto the 7 tailed beast and they even got the Kazekage for his beast… So this proves that they can go upto any level to get all of these beasts…
Killer Bee : Then what are they doing with the beasts??!!
Raikage : They’re taking up all of the beasts and storing them in the GEDO MAZO and when all the beasts are collected in it, then it’ll work as a Weapon and can destroy a whole Village just by one shot…. That’s what Madara Uchiha, the founder of the Uchiha Clan and the new leader of the group Akatsuki told us in the summit… He also declared the 4th Great Shinobi World War!!!
Killer Bee : Woah!!! ( thinking : Madar Uchiha must be damn strong to come in front of all the Kage and tell them about the war ) Don’t worry brother, I can take care of myself….
Raikage : No you can’t!! .. The Kage Summit was held for the discussion on the protection of the remaining beasts Hosts and it is conclusion is the 5 Nation Alliance so as to protect the remaining Hosts of the Beasts from any danger !!
And I’m here to take you to Naruto Uzumaki, of the Leaf….
Killer Bee : Why? Anything special??
Raikage : You are the only Biiju existing who has perfectly controlled the Biiju inside you and manipulate him to do your work….. So you have to train Naruto to control the Kyubi…
Killer Bee : What?! So you mean to say that he defeated Pain without the power of the Kyubi??! Is he that strong???
Raikage : Yes… He is strong… After all, he is the son of Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash of the Leaf Village…..
Killer Bee : Wow!!! As you say Raikage… It’ll be fun training him then… ( smiling )
Raikage: So let’s get to him quickly!!!
(All the four start moving faster in the trees )
Danzou Scene
(Sasuke jumps forward after seeing danzou behind him )
Madara : (thinking after seeing Danzo’s Teleportation Jutsu : When I use this jutsu I goto a 1 dimension portal, where as it seems that he can go to a 6 dimension portal because of his speed of using the teleportation Jutsu , no wonder he can use this jutsu more swiftly and easily than me…. And so he can easily beat the crap out of Sasuke )
Danzou : Surprised both of you!!! ( ignits amaterasu at Sasuke)
(Sasuke dodges it )
Madara : Sasuke, let’s go for now… It’s not the right time for you to fight him… You have just returned from a battle !!
(Suddenly, Danzou starts coughing blood and four eyes of his hand start bleed )
Madara : You’ve grown weak Danzou !!! ( thinking : Since four of his eyes are bleeding so he has got four mangekyo sharingan and two EMS on his hand for teleportation….. That’s quiet a lot ! we must hurry to leave or we may end up here )
Danzou : It seems someone is scared!!! HAHAHA * EVIL LAUGH * … Die Sasuke!!!!
(charges his sword with chidori )
Sasuke : What on Earth are you??? How do you??!! ( thinking: He can even charge Chidori )
Danzou : I’m your worst NIGHTMARE !!! ( Disappears )
(Danzou appears behind Sasuke )
Sasuke : Huh !!!
Danzou : DIE !!!!
(Sasuke tries to evade the chidori attack but has got a hit on his right hand )
Sasuke : Aahhh!!!! ( Sasuke is bleeding heavily ) I’m gonna kill you!!! ( shouting )
(Sasuke turns and tries to attack danzou but he disappears again )
Danzou : ( appears a 100m away, infront of Sasuke ) You can’t even touch me Sasuke!!!!
(Karin runs towards Sasuke to heal him )
(Suddenly, Madara appears in front of Sasuke and Karin )
Madara : Sasuke, it’s not the right time to fight him… let’s leave!!!
SFX – Woof!!
Madara – Sasuke, now it’s the time!!!
Sasuke : For what??? Why did you bring me here again??? I would have killed him!!
Madara : It’s time for you to implant ITACHI’S EYES IN YOUR EYES !!!
(Sasuke is shocked )
Next Chapter – The Power Of Itachi
Also read Rock.Lee's previous predictions
by: N.V.O. (Itasuke)
Naruto 477: Mangekyo Sharingan Vs. Mangekyo Sharingan!
Also read Itasuke's previous prediction
Naruto 476: Sharingan Battle!
(Danzo & Team Hawk scene)
Sasuke: Y-you...already possess Mangekyo Sharingan?
Danzo: I do. Now...witness its powers!
Sasuke: Tch..!
Danzo: (Activate.)
Sasuke: ...
Danzo: ...
Madara: Hm, what's the matter?
Karin: Sasuke! do something before he unleashes his Mangekyo Powers! we don't know what they ar-- ?!
-Sasuke appears behind her with his sword trying to cut her head off-
Madara: Oh no! -Appears between Karin & Sasuke and blocks Sasuke's attack by grabbing his hand-
Sasuke: Tch...
Madara: Sasuke...are you ok? -un-grabs his hand-
Karin: T-Thank you Madara.
Madara: Just stay on your guard.
Danzo: (Now it's my turn.) -Lands near Sasuke- We'll take you on, Madara.
Karin: (Something's not right...)
Madara: Of course...Shisui's ability, Mind-Control.
Danzo: Indeed. but, it's not like the old-simple Mind-Control DouJutsu. Where I control him, and have to concentrate on him, so that makes me unable to do my own moves, because then it will be obvious that he's being controlled, at any rate, When activating the Mangekyo, I can fully control him, and make him like a puppet of my mine, I'll just have to guide him, while I'm able to make my moves as well.
Madara: Good ability, but, are you sure you'd be able to control Sasuke for so long?
Danzo: ?! -Sasuke appears behind him with and throws Chidori Senbon towards Danzo as Danzo slides back-
Sasuke: Heh.
Danzo: (What's happening?)
Sasuke: The hatred in my heart is stronger than your will to control me, not even a Mind-Manipulation Jutsu will work on me.
Danzo: ...
Karin: Sasuke...-Smiles happily- what?!
Madara: -Lands near Karin and whispers- What is it?
Karin: 4 Konoha Ninjas are on their way here!
Madara: No big deal, I'll take care of them, just take care of Sasuke, and yourself too. -Disappears-
Karin: R-Right...
Danzo: Him being out of the way is the best solution. Now, for my next Mangekyo Technique.
Sasuke, Karin: ?!
Sasuke: What...
Karin: More?!
Danzo: Hmph, actually, your friends, that nine tails brat and Sakura Haruno, Tsunade's pupil aren't pleased about assassinating you, infact, they tried to stop the idea of killing you but...
Sasuke: (Sakura...Naruto...Kakashi...)
Danzo: I'm not planning to do so, assassinating you, would be a very pleasing thing for me to do!
Sasuke: !
(Team Sakura scene)
Kiba: Someone's coming!
Rock Lee: Cover yourselves! -Everyone hides behind a tree-
Madara: Show yourselves, I know you're hiding.
-They all appear-
Sakura: It's that...
Kiba: It's you again! (Something's not right...wasn't he kinda a silly fool before?)
Madara: Hm...That girl...and the two of you too, but you're not familiar (referring to Rock Lee.)
Rock Lee: That is right, we have not met before, but I will take you on if you stand in our way!
Madara: This time, no fooling around, you'll get to see the real me. -Kiba, Rock Lee, Sai are standing in a straight line as Sakura jumps in and lands infront of them-
Sakura: You're so right. Opens the button of her cloak as she throws her cloak away- This time, there will be no fooling around. Guys, just back me up.
Kiba: Don't rush things up! we have to make up a strateg--
Sakura: And then what? losing the trace of Sasuke like the last time? I don't plan to.
Madara: So, you wanna fight huh? You don't know what you're going through little girl.
Sakura: Don't worry, I already know how tough Akatsuki members are.
Madara: Oohoo, so you were the one that defeated Akatsuki's Sasori of the red sand, aren't you? Interesting.
Sakura: (I have to analyse his moves first, then I'll choose the right time to attack. It seems, he can erase some parts of his body, but he also need to become solid to attack, or so it appears. That would be the time for me to strike!) Now! let's finish things here and force our way through!
Kiba, Rock Lee, Sai: Right!
Sakura: This is it...(To put all my training into the test! this is 'the' big one! where "I" bet it all...where I put "My" life on the line! This is for Sasuke...and Naruto as well, I will not fail! watch me...Lady Tsunade!)
Will Sakura and the others be able to take on Madara now that Sakura analysed Madara's techniques and moves?! And what are Danzo's Mangekyo powers?!
Next Time: Strike or be killed, Sakura's strategy!
Next Time: Strike or be killed, Sakura's strategy!
Also read Itasuke's previous prediction
Naruto 476: Sharingan Battle!
by: Sensei-Q
Naruto 477: The Ultimate Power!
Also read Sensei-Q's previous prediction
Naruto 476: Danzou's Secret
Danzou: Impressive, you've unlocked the third power.. But that won't be enough to counter what I've got.
*Danzou's right eye starts to bleed*
Danzou: Mangekyo Sharingan! *
Kakashi: Argh!
Naruto-Yamato-Sai: !?
Naruto: Kakashi, there's blood leaking from beneath your headband!
Yamato: Senpai, what's wrong?!
Kakashi: *removes headband revealing his Mangekyo activated*
Kakashi: I don't know, my Mangekyo suddenly activated on it's own! Argh!
Naruto-Yamato-Sai: ?
*Danzou has activated his Mangekyou!*
Sasuke: Bring it on, freak.
Danzou: heh..
Sasuke: ...What?!
Sasuke: (Why have I suddenly become so heavy?!)
Sasuke: Argh! *drops on his knees while Susano`o starts to fade*
Danzou: You can't avoid this, you will die very soon...
Sasuke: (Shit!) *jumps to the left*
Sasuke: I see, so that's what your power is.
Danzou: So you've found out what it is without dying. Stubborn brat..
Sasuke: (So he can manipulate gravity..That can be a problem..)
Sasuke: It seems that you can only use that technique on a small area.
Karin: (That such a technique even exists!)
Tobi: -funny voice- Well, what are you kids waiting for?
Sasuke: Why are you preventing us from getting to Sasuke?!
Tobi: -funny voice- Because he's a bit busy right now!
Sai-Lee-Kiba: !
Tobi: -funny voice- Huh? Where'd she go?
???: ...Behind you...
Tobi: -funny voice- Shit!
Sakura: Hell yeah!!
*passes through Tobi*
Sakura: What the? (Not again!)
Tobi: -real voice- You're no match for me.. Stop trying and return to your wrecked village.
Lee: Konoha Big WhirlWind!
Tobi: -real voice- Are you serious?
Kakashi: Argh! I can't turn it off!
Yamato: How could it activate on it's own?
Kakashi: I don't know, it suddenly turned on!
Kakashi: (Wait..Could it be...!)
Naruto: What's wrong Sensei?!
Kakashi: *Pant*, we need to get to Sasuke!
Yamato: Why?
Kakashi: I'll explain later, let's go now!
Naruto-Sai-Yamato: ?
Sasuke: (I can't defend against gravity.. I need to find a way to counter that technique.)
Danzou: It's over. Die...
???: No it's not..
-Doton: Retsudo Tenshou!-
*The ground beneath Danzou's feet starts to fall apart*
Danzou: (Damn you..)
Yamato: Senpai, It seems we're not too late.
Sasuke: Don't interfere. Orels-
???: Sasuke, it's been a while.
Sasuke: ?!
???: It's me, your ''friend''..
''Is 'Danzou' really who we think he is? And how will Sasuke react now that 'his friend' has arrived?
Next: 478 - An 'Old' Friend
Also read Sensei-Q's previous prediction
Naruto 476: Danzou's Secret
by: N.V.O. (Itasuke)
(prediction posted last week)
Naruto 477: Darkness Conquers, the Fairy Tale falls apart!
Also read N.V.O.'s next chapter prediction:
Naruto 475: Danzo vs Madara!
Naruto 476: Reunion! Sakura Approaches!
Naruto 477: Darkness Conquers, the Fairy Tale falls apart!
Naruto 478: Tears of the past, the Light in my Heart!
(Team Sakura & Sasuke scene) Sakura: Here I come!! -she rushes towards Sasuke as she jumps in mid-air-
Sasuke: Tsk. -Grabs his sword, adds Lightning-Based chakra on it-
Kiba: No way! that's dangerous!
Rock Lee: I agree! we must not let her get hit by that!
Sakura: (This is it...the moment I show you my power!) -While in mid air, she is dashing towards Sasuke with a punch-
Sasuke: (I don't care what happens...I can't have anybody interrupting my goal! and besides...Karin is out-cold, how am I supposed to track Danzo down now?!) -Rushing towards her-
-They both are dashing towards eachother, Sasuke moves his sword forward as Sakura aims her punch on his sword-
Kiba: Let's go, quick!
Rock Lee: Yeah we-- ..what..?!
Kiba: No way..!
-Sasuke lands back on the ground as Sakura back flips and slides backwards 10 meters away from Sasuke-
Sasuke: (No...way...my sword is broken?)
Sakura: *Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant*...
Sasuke: (I saw the chakra type that was covering her punch, there was no way that she could break my sword...what happened?)
Sakura: (So...he doesn't know, huh?)
Kiba: How did she?
Rock Lee: I don't know...
Sai: Sakura...
Sasuke: -Sharingan is still activated- That lucky shot won't happen again.
Sakura: Yeah? We'll see about that.
Sasuke: Hmph. -drops his broken sword- *Does Hand-Signs* Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu! -He shoots Flame in the shape of a Dragon-
Sakura: Oh no! -jumps backwards, she then grabs a scroll and opens it widely- Release: Chakra Barrier! -A chakra barrier is formed as it guards against the Dragon Flame-
Sasuke: (...Now!) -Appears behind her-
Sakura: ...Wha...?! -He kicks her away- Ah! -she is sent flying towards some rocks- Gah!...
Kiba, Sai & Rock Lee: Sakura..!!
Sakura: I'm...Fine...*Pant*...-Tiger Hand-Sign- Medical Ninjutsu -She begins healing her arm as it was wounded by the rocks-
Sasuke: ...! (So that's it! she's a medical Ninja! but, since when? ...Sakura...You...)
Sakura: -Stands- *Pant*...*Pant*...*Pant* I...must end this. -Grabs a scroll, as she opens it wide- -Serpent,Boar,Tiger!- Scroll Release: Water Style: Liquid Bullet! -A water bullet was shot at Sasuke-
Sasuke: (She can't do Water based Jutsu, so she grabbed a scroll with her...) THAT WON'T SLOW ME DOWN! Fire Style: Fire-Ball Jutsu! -as his fire ball counters the bullet, Sasuke jumps towards her-
Sakura: Ah! -grabs a kunai and throws it at him, Sasuke just Ignores it while dodging-
Sasuke: -Lands- Here I come! -he dashes lightning fast as he reaches her and punches her stomach-
Sakura: Ugh...!!...uh...
Kiba: Sakura! Now this has gone too far! Akamaru! -Wolf Fang Over Fang!-
Sasuke: Hmph, you guys are weak. -jumps backwards moving away from Sakura and dodging at the same time, he lands where the kunai fell, Kiba lands infront of Sakura.
Kiba: Enough is enough!
Sasuke: Back off, Chidori Spear! -he launches the Chidori spear (sword) as it goes through Kiba's left arm as it begins to numb his body-
Kiba: GAH!!!
Sasuke: Idiot.
Rock Lee: -Appears behind Sasuke- Leaf Hurricane!
Sasuke: -Turns his face around- Chidori Current! -Rock Lee gets striked down-
Rock Lee: -Falls on the ground- BAH! Argh...
Sakura: ...(Is he in place?...now!) -Tiger Hand-Sign- Seal! *Sasuke is stunned*
Sasuke: ...What?! (That kunai!)...
Sakura: (Now's my chance) -Charges with a punch- Chaaa!!! -the chakra on her punch turns from Blue to Green-
Sasuke: ...(I can see! so that's how she broke off my sword! she increased her punch with normal chakra mixed up with medical Ninja chakra! Now I get it's a--)
-Sakura punches Sasuke hardly as the stunning seal breaks off because of the brute force as Sasuke is sent falling 20 meters away, bleeding a little-
Sakura: -Falls on her knees-...*Pant*...*Pant*...*
-Kiba gets free from the Chidori Sharp Spear, and falls on the ground-
Kiba: Ah...
Akamaru: Arf...
Sasuke: -Stands-...*Pant* Hehehe...pretty impressive, Sakura, But, I get it all now. Your chances of winning is 20% at best.
Sakura: Ugh...
Sasuke: Let me get the honor to settle this.
Sai: Not good.
(Team Kakashi scene)
Sai: Kiba and Rock Lee are down, Sakura is injured, but she's fine, and so is Sasuke.
Kakashi: What...so then, who has the upper hand.
Sai: Sakura got the chance to beat Sasuke up, but Sasuke is getting serious now...
Naruto: Darn it we have to get there now!
Yamato: I agree.
Kakashi: Let's go!
(Danzo & Madara scene)
Danzo: Fine, let's see what you have to talk about. (Seems like Terai found Kabuto and Anko...)
Fuu: Whispers-Lord Danzo...Sasuke seems to be fighting someone...
Danzo: Is that so?-Grabs a scroll, and writes a letter on it, he then gives it to a bird to send it to the Root Anbu in Konoha-...
Madara: Hm, I wonder what was that all about. you're not calling reinforcements are you?
Danzo: No worries, I am not, speak up.
Madara: Fine, Here's what I have to say.
(Team Sakura & Sasuke scene)
Sasuke: You shouldn't of came here, now I'll show you why. Chidori Senbon! -he shoots them-
Sakura: Multiple of tiny Chidori in a shape of senbon...that's something new...-she began running and dodging at the same time-
Kiba: Ooh...-tries to stand- Woah! -Senbons hits every part in his body- Uh-...uh...
-Kiba faints-
Sasuke: His body is fully numb now.
Sakura: Kiba! -She stops- I gotta get these senbons out of his body!
Sasuke: -Appears infront of her- This is the end! Chidori!
Sakura: .....(Is this...my end...?) --Strike--
Sakura: -Opens her eyes-...Wha...what happened? ...!!!
-Rock Lee guarded her as the Chidori went through his right arm-
Rock Lee: Sa-...Sakura...I promised...I made a pledge...that I would protect you with my Life...-Sasuke removes his wrist as Rock Lee falls-
Sasuke: ...Lee...-Tears falls- No!...(It's all my falt...Kiba...Lee...-Cries- Please forgive Me!)
Sai: (If this keeps on I'll have to interfere, and if I got hurt, I can't keep Kakashi and the others uppdated...)
Sakura: SASUKE! -Charges for a punch-
Sasuke: -Charges for a Chidori-
-A kunai is thrown towards them-
Sakura & Sasuke: ?! -They both slide back-
Root Anbu: I came to assassinate you, Sasuke Uchiha.
Sasuke: What...
Sakura: ...! (Root!)
Root Anbu: -Shadow clone!- -10 shadow clones grabs Sasuke-
Sasuke: Argh!
Root Anbu: Earth Style: Mud Trap! -Sasuke's feet are both trapped- Lightning Style: Electric Sharp sword! -a lightning sword is formed on his hand- Die.
Sasuke: Tch...(If I use Mangekyo Sharingan now...My eye sight...will be blurred even more)
-The Root Anbu strikes- ...! -A little blood falls on Sasuke's face-...-Sakura protected Sasuke and got the hit instead-
Sakura: ...-Smiles-...
Root Anbu: What the...?!
Sasuke: ...Why...Sakura...Why?!
Sakura protected Sasuke and got stabbed instead, how will Sasuke react to this? and what will Naruto do when he knows about this?
Next Time: Tears of the past, The Light in my heart!
Also read N.V.O.'s next chapter prediction:
Naruto 475: Danzo vs Madara!
Naruto 476: Reunion! Sakura Approaches!
Naruto 477: Darkness Conquers, the Fairy Tale falls apart!
Naruto 478: Tears of the past, the Light in my Heart!
This weblog gives the updated spoilers and predictions for Naruto 477. Raw spoilers and summaries are released Tuesday night (Japan time) and several RAW Pics are released Wednesday night (Japan time). Read it all here!!
In the meantime, please read predictions from our contributors: Numinous, TheSpecialOne, Jeanericuser, ShiverX, Woo, Ironside, Zetsu-san, Freakout and TheSixthHokage.
In the meantime, please read predictions from our contributors: Numinous, TheSpecialOne, Jeanericuser, ShiverX, Woo, Ironside, Zetsu-san, Freakout and TheSixthHokage.
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TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 477, Naruto 477 Raw, Naruto Manga 477, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 477 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 477, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 477, Naruto 477 Predictions, Naruto 477 Wordpress, Naruto 477 Blogspot, Naruto 477 English, Naruto 477 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 477 Read Online, Naruto 477 Download, Naruto 477 Onemanga, Naruto 477 Mangahelpers, Naruto 477 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 477 Narutofan, Naruto 477 Narutocentral, Bleach, One Piece
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