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Naruto 466: Battle Behind Closed Doors
by: Nja-2Ch

by: Shounensuki
466: The great battle behind closed doors!!
The Mizukage leaves her seat: "At least, I will give you a kiss that will melt your heart"¹
Karin snaps
Choujuurou: "If I don't protect the Mizukage, it will mean inevitable death"
The Mizukage prepares for battle, her right cheek swelling up
The Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi are clinging to the ceiling, seemingly trying to avoid getting involved in the battle
Mizukage: "Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique²!!" She spits out a liquid
Sasuke uses Susanoo to dodge, but Choujuurou unleashes an attack with Hiramekarei
Sasuke is driven unto the wall
Sasuke used up a considerable amount of chakra with his overuse of Susanoo
The Mizukage manages to raise a closed-off room. (Only the Mizukage and Sasuke are inside)
The Mizukage can use the Fire, Water, and Earth natures
That is why she has two kekkei genkai
The Mizukage forms hand-seals: "Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique³!!"
Karin and the rest cannot see what is happening in the fight
The Susanoo is unravelling and Sasuke is coughing up blood
Karin can sense his chakra fading
The Mizukage says something like "Seeing a good-looking man break down and crumble breaks my heart~~"
From the Mizukage, Choujuurou, the Tsuchikage, and Akatsuchi comes a sound like 'zuzuzu'... White Zetsu
It seems like some sort of timed formula that Zetsu uses to suck up everyone's chakra
Sasuke is struck by an attack and is recovered by the chakra
He uses Susanoo to break down the closed room and [go back into] the conference room (to Karin's location)
Without seeing anything, the Tsuchikage uses "Earth Release: Aggravated Rock Technique!!"
The Tsuchikage undoes Zetsu's chakra absorbing technique
Tsuchikage: "This guy was the one who Deidara..." Sasuke's left eye hurts
Tsuchikage: "I don't feel bitter, but... Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique**!!"
The attack should have hit him completely, but...
Madara appears, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.
Madara: "I should explain things for you a bit... Once you understand, I would like to ask you something"
Raikage: "What!?"
Madara: "It's about my goal, the Eye of the Moon Plan"
¹ There's a pun here. The Mizukage uses the word とろける (torokeru) which means 'to be enchanted with,' but sounds a lot like the word 溶ける (tokeru) which means 'to melt'. The kanji that can be used to write torokeru (盪, 蕩) also have the additional meaning 'to melt'. The word she uses for 'at least' (せめて, semete) is pronounced the same as 攻め手 (offence, method of attack).
² Youton: Youkai no Jutsu (溶遁・溶怪の術). This name seems to combine the words 溶解 (dissolution) and 妖怪 (apparition, demon), both pronounced as 'youkai'.
³ Futton: Koumu no Jutsu (沸遁・巧霧の術)
* Doton: Kajuugan no Jutsu (土遁・加重岩の術)
** Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (塵遁・原界剥離の術)

by: on3word
Mizukage Vs. Sasuke. Sasuke guards with Susano'o against Youton Youkai no Jutsu (TN: Lava Release Solution Jutsu), but takes a blow from Hiramekarei (Chojuro's Sword), keeping him in the room with Mizukage.
Mizukage has 2 Kekkei Genkai it seems, Futton (TN: Boil Release)
[Side Note: although a weird name for a release, the word 沸 (futsu) literally means to boil, make hot; commonly used in compounds such as 沸点 (futten - boiling point). Probably a water + fire release]
From her mouth, she plans to melt/dissolve Sasuke using a strong mist of acid
His chakra-exhausted arm begins to melt, but Zetsu's with Houshi no Jutsu (TN: Spore Technique) he grows/springs from Mizukage's body and absorbs her chakra. Sasuke's chakra is restored and uses Susano'o to destroy the room.
(He) escapes as Tsuchikage and his escort are binded. Tsuchikage: "I guess we must do something too now" as they escape from Zetsu's ability. A jutsu that decomposes/distintegrates at the molecular level is used on Sasuke, but Sasuke disappears.
Raikage and Gaara return to the conference room.
Madara also appears with Sasuke on his shoulder.
Madara: "I've come to tell you all, and have you listen to my Eye of the Moon plan."
I talked about the places I wanted to cover, so that's it.
Part 2:
Sasuke is disintegrated and Karin also says it looks like Sasuke's chakra has been depleted....But after, Madara appears carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.
The acid burned the skin of Sasuke's right arm...he then sees and notices the acid mist, shortly after, he brings out Susano'o to guard from the acid but each and every cell of his body hurts. And with his incomplete Susano'o, wonders how Itachi could have possibly done it...
Out of chakra and in a bad situation, Zetsu appears.
Part 3:
Back to White Zetsu, he fused his body with that of the Mizukage. Zetsu: "To not notice my Houshi no Jutsu, you five Kages aren't all that great huh?" Stealing the Mizukage's chakra, he passes it onto Sasuke.
White Zetsu tries to bind Tsuchikage and his underling, but the Tsuchikage escapes with amazing ease.
Part 4:
Sasuke loses consciousness, but I think that when he awakens (to find himself) carried by someone, he probably will have lost some pride.
Karin: "Sasuke's...his back"
Tsuchikage says something like "you guys will also soon be chased after~" And then Raikage and Gaara pay a visit.
"Where's Sasuke~!?"
Tsuchikage: "He's already disintegrating; he's really the guy that Deidara was done over by huh?"
Afterwards Madara appears.
"After telling you my plan, I want to hear your opinions too" is what he's saying I think
I read it in pieces - the beginning scenes and in frames.
Mizukage: "I'll give you a kiss that will make you melt*."
[*とろける usually means enchanting, but can also mean to melt; a japanese pun of sorts]
Karin snaps
Chojuro releases HirameKarei
The Tsuchikage is strong.
by: shounensuki
Mizukage VS Sasuke
Sasuke uses Susanoo to defend against the Mizukage's Lava Release: Dissolution Technique¹, but takes a hit from Hiramekarei.
He flies back and is locked in a room with the Mizukage
It looks like the Mizukage has two kekkei genkai: something called Boil Release
She uses this to create a strongly acidic mist from her mouth to try and melt Sasuke...
Out of chakra, his arm begins to melt, but at that moment Zetsu uses his Spore Technique³ to grow out of the Mizukage's body and suck up her chakra. Sasuke is revived with fusing chakra and the locked room is destroyed by Susanoo.
They escape - Zetsu binds the Tsuchikage and his attendant, but the Tsuchikage says: "Shall we get involved too then"
They escape from Zetsu. A technique is fired at Sasuke that would disassemble him at the molecular level, but Sasuke has disappeared.
Then the Raikage and Gaara enter the conference room
Then Madara appears, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder
I came here to tell you a story about the "Eye of the Moon plan"
¹ Youton: Youkai no Jutsu (溶遁・溶解の術)
² Futton or Futsuton (沸遁)
³ Houshi no Jutsu (胞子の術)
This was the first spoiler
Spoiler two:
Sasuke is being taken apart when Karin says "Sasuke's chakra disappeared... it seems"
However, after she says that, she senses Madara appearing, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.
It seems the acid did melt away the skin of Sasuke's right arm... Seeing that, Sasuke goes "acid mist...?" and summons Susanoo to guard him against the acid, but all the cells in his body hurt... The Susanoo is still incomplete... Itachi's was better... As the chakra collapses? Zetsu appears in the danger zone
Third spoiler:
It's White Zetsu - White Zetsu twines around the Mizukage's body
"If only you had noticed my Spore Technique... I guess the Five Kage aren't that great"
The Mizukage is robbed of her chakra, which is transferred to Sasuke
White Zetsu goes to the Tsuchikage and tries to bind him and his subordinates as well
The Tsuchikage escapes with extreme ease, though
It looks like Sasuke fainted. When he wakes up, his pride will be hurt when he finds out he's being carried on someone's shoulder(it's Nja's opinion
It refers to Madara carrying Sasuke on his shoulder, after the Tsuchikage attacked him)
Karin: "Sasuke's... "
Tsuchikage: "I'll be going after you next!" or something like that
Then the Raikage and Gaara enter
"Where's Sasuke!?"
Tsuchikage: "He's already completely disassembled. Did that guy really kill Deidara?"
Then Madara appears
He says something like "I'm going to tell you my plans, I'd like to hear what you think about it"
Zetsu-san's Poll of the Week
SASUKE vs THE 5 KAGES: What Will Happen?Sasuke will go blind!!! | |
Madara/Akatsuki will save Sasuke | |
Naruto and/or Sakura will stop Sasuke | |
Sasuke will kill a Kage | |
Sasuke will beat the Kages!!!! | |
Sasuke will retreat/escape | |
Sasuke will just spam Susano'o forever | |
Sasuke will get his ass kicked by the Kages |
by: Numinous
posted: 25 Sept 09
Naruto 466:Against All Odds
Read next chapter prediction:
Naruto 467: Resolve
(Sasuke Scene)
Akatsuchi: Tsuchikage-sama, I think we should distance ourselves from them…
Tsuchikage: What do you think I’m doing?! (sound of something cracking) My back, my back! (Akatsuchi grabs him and go to the farthest wall; along with Mifune)
Sasuke: (thinking) What a disgrace…(talking) I have no business with you, only Danzou matters to me!
Mizukage: But, for now, you have to handle me, pretty boy.
Sasuke: Tsh… If you want to fight me, so be it, but remember, I’ll be the master of your destiny.
Mizukage: (thinking) The husband* of my destiny?! (talking) Now, I’ll kill you.
Choujuurou: (thinking) What’s happening to her? She seems totally different…
Mizukage: Youton: Tsutsumi no Seireen! ** (a veil of mist takes over the Summit’s room)
Tsuchikage: (thinking) Damn this woman, now that I wanted to see this match…
Sasuke: (thinking) If she thinks that this pitiful mist will stop me, she must be out of her mind (starts to walk towards the Mizukage; still thinking) Even if I can’t see her, my Sharingan still detects the origin of the mist by its chakra. (casts Amaterasu; a dark figure twitches; talking)
You’re not worthy of my time, I’ll end your pitiful life. (Amaterasu vanishes; he draws his Katana and strikes the Mizukage; his katana starts to melt; thinking) What? (Mizukage starts to degenerate, revealing it was a clone)
Mizukage: (her voice comes from all directions) Now who’s the pitiful one?! Sweetie, you might have the looks but you lack the experience… care if I give you some personal lessons?
Sasuke: (thinking) She molded her chakra to pass unnoticed in the mist, while she left her clone for me to detect… not bad.
Karin: Sasuke, HELP ME!!!
Sasuke: (thinking) She caught Karin…
Mizukage: Youton: Iki no Ryuu. *** (a giant sludge approaches Sasuke, but he ducks; the sound of dissolving is heard on the background)
Sasuke: You need to do better than that…
Mizukage: Don’t worry, naughty boy, I’ll make it even sweeter for you… Youton: Kiri no Naka de Kaibatsu.**** (the mist starts to grab Sasuke; Sasuke uses Chidori Nagashi, but with little effect; he’s paralyzed) Youton: Yuge Shibuki! *****(a small sludge approaches, but this time hits him in the torso, dissolving part of his clothes and leaving scars on his chest) What a shame, you have such a beautiful body…
Mizukage: Oh my, screaming already? I hope they’re screams of pleasure… care to repeat? Youton: Yuge Shibuki! (more currents hit Sasuke)
Sasuke: (thinking) She leaves me no choice…
*Master and Husband can be written with the same Kanji, 主 (aruji)
** Corrosion Release: Siren’s Veil
*** Corrosion Release: Dragon’s Breath
**** Corrosion Release: Monster in the Mist
***** Corrosion Release: Hot Water Splash
more spoilers and predictions http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com
(Kages Scene)
(Danzou is running through the open with his guards; Gaara spots him)
Gaara: It seems the Hokage is running away.
Raikage: That old rat? Now I have bigger fish to fry! Darui, go get that guy. Shii, Kazekage, come with me.
Darui & Shii: Yes, Raikage-sama. (Ao is seen going after Danzou)
Gaara: Kankurou, Temari, go with them.
Kankurou & Temari: Right!
Raikage: Let’s go catch that Uchiha!
(Sasuke Scene)
(Susano’o’s bones start to appear)
Mizukage: Oh my, already with the bone? This calls for something special… Youton: Kage no Shin’en!* (the mist releases Sasuke and is replaced by total darkness; Susano’o starts to dissolve)
Sasuke: (thinking) Shadows... she doesn't know I thrive on the shadows (Sasuke puts his hands on his throat; still thinking) I can’t breathe… a genjutsu? (a blue light appears, looks like the Mizukage; still thinking) Might be a clone… (uses Chidori Senbon on her)
Mizukage: Aaaaaaah!!! (she twitches in pain)
Sasuke: (thinking) Got her! (she starts to swim in his direction; still thinking) What the…? (the darkness dissipates, revealing he’s trapped inside a Water Prison Technique that occupies half of the Summit’s room, along with a giant monkfish that has a lure similar to the Mizukage; the Mizukage has one hand in the prison, while Choujuurou is holding Karin with his sword close to her throat)
Tsuchikage: (thinking) How the hell she did that?
Mizukage: You fell so easily for my monkfish’s trap ... you have to be smarter than that, pretty boy. (the monkfish catches Sasuke in his mouth and closes it) Don’t worry, it doesn’t bite, but loves to swallow… (the monkfish is pierced by a Chidori Sharp Spear; it opens its mouth, letting Sasuke escape) Now, I’ll do you nice and tender… (she puts the other hand on the sphere)
Sasuke: (thinking) She’s heating the water to cook me alive… (performs the Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse and tiger hand seals) Katon: Goukyaku no Jutsu! (a giant fireball appears, consuming the monkfish and evaporating the water; he jumps vertically; some of the fire gets the Tsuchikage’s shoulder)
Tsuchikage: (gesticulating like crazy) I’m burning!!! Put it out, PUT IT OUT! (Akatsuchi pats him, putting out the fire) That Uchiha will pay for almost killing me!
Akatsuchi: It was just a little flame on your shoulder…
Tsuchikage: Shut up! Doton: Ganchuusou! ** (a few pillars of rock sprout from the ground, reaching for Sasuke)
Sasuke: (thinking) If you think I’m falling for that, you’re wrong! (uses Chidori Sharp Spear to destroy the pillars)
Raikage: (crushing the wall) YOU’RE MINE! (jumps towards Sasuke) YOU’RE GOING DOWN, B*TCH! (hits him, making him crush in to the ground)
*Corrosion Release: Shadow of the Abyss
** Earth Release: Rock Pillars Rising
more spoilers and predictions http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com
(Danzou Scene)
(Danzou and his guards are approaching a village)
Danzou: Fuu, is that Kirigakure guard still after us?
Fuu: I’m afraid so, Danzou-sama. And I sense three more people nearby.
Danzou: It must be the Raikage’s and Kazekage’s guards . Well since we can’t get rid of them, let’s stop.
Torune: But, Danzou-sama…
Danzou: Do as I say. (they stop) If they don’t acknowledge my visions in a civilized way, I don’t have any choice but to force my hand.
Ao: So you gave up from fleeing, Hokage?! Now you must return to the Summit to clear matters once and for all!
Danzou: I’m afraid I can’t comply with that. (Fuu and Torune assume a battle stance)
Ao: I thought so. (assumes battle stance; Darui, Temari and Kankurou are seen from afar)
Next Chapter: Resolve
Read next chapter prediction:
Naruto 467: Resolve
by: The Special One
Naruto 466: Sasuke vs. Kage(s)
“Sasuke, they won’t let us escape,” said Karin. “Wanna bet,” said Sasuke. “Chojuro,” yelled Mizukage. (As Sasuke attempts to turn around, a small mist cloud blocks Sasuke’s path, he and Karin backs up. As the mist clears, Chojuro is seen blocking the exit, wielding his weapon.)
“That’s one of Chojuro’s special abilities. He can break his body up into water particles, then with the heat, he evaporates into steam and can control where he reforms. It’s not hot in the Land of Iron, he must have used the heat from my Yoton, kid’s pretty fluid,” thought Mizukage.
“Mist Shinobi it seems,” said Sasuke. “I’m Chojuro of the seven mist swordsmen; I heard you’re group had defeated former member, Zabuza of the devil. Never did like that guy, but you must be strong. Meet my Hiramekarei. Strong, you must be really strong,” said Chojuro
“He’s trembling,” thought Sasuke. “Don’t underestimate him because he’s a kid, he is probably skilled like Kisame,” yelled Karin.
more spoilers and predictions http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com
(Immediately, Chojuro’s blade is swung horizontally up high near Sasuke’s neck. Sasuke sweats a little. Soon, Sasuke is tossed across the room and lands in the center. He is knocked off his heat and lands on his behind. Sasuke has his chidori charged blade out, he then uses it to regain footing by using it as a cane to return to his feet.)
“What a battle,” said the laughing Tuschikage.
“He’s strong to wield that blade so effortlessly. Kisame, Zabuza, and even Suigetsu; they must have trained for years,” said Sasuke.
“Sasuke,” yelled Karin. “He pulled out his blade in the nick of time,” said Chojuro. “Uchiha Sasuke, to think he’s fast enough to avoid Chojuro’s Silent Homicide Technique. And Chojuro’s version surpasses even Zabuza’s. He defended against Chojugo’s wide blade with that small katana and lightning fast reflexes; he’s skilled for sure,” said Mizukage.
(Immediately, Mifune drops in from above to strike Sasuke.)
“Dance of the Crescent Moon Technique,” said Mifune. (Several copies of Mifune attacks Sasuke from all angles. Then, the real one attacks from Sasuke’s blind side however, Sasuke parries the attack, and sends Mifune back.)
“His sharingan read my attack, so he saw through the illusions,” said Mifune.
“Should I,” asked Akatuschi. “Shit, seeing these young people heat it up got me a little excited. Let me,” said the laughing Tuschikage. (Tuschikage touches a wall.) “Earth Element: Stone Lodging Destruction; trust in my jutsu, I won’t he ya,” said Tuschikage. (Large debris from the ceiling come tumbling down on Sasuke’s location.) “Sorry Sasuke, I’ll have to sneak out, it is too dangerous,” thought Karin. ( Sasuke activates Chidori Chakra Sword and the Chidori blade to protect himself from the falling debris. With quick slashes, Sasuke is destroying the boulders that are falling from the ceiling.)
“We can’t get any closer while the jutsu is still active,” said Mizukage. “The old man sure knows how to put on a show,” said Akatuschi. (The ceiling has now been clean off, Sasuke still is unharmed however, he sweats heavily; the lightning chakra dissipates and he relaxes a little.)
more spoilers and predictions http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com
“Hmm,” mumbled Tuschikage. (Immediately sand surrounds Sasuke and constricts him, as everyone is shocked; Gaara lands near everyone.)
“Sand Coffin,” said Gaara. “From above; damn, I can’t make my handseals,” said Sasuke. (From behind Raikage has his fist balled up, he prepares to use a hammer attack to pound on Sasuke’s head in. Sasuke slightly turns his head around to see Raikage in the act.)
“Lights Out BITCH,” yelled Raikage. “AHHHHHHHHH,” Sasuke yells. (All of a sudden Sasunoo breaks out, the entire area is ruined. As the smoke clears ALL the Kage and their aide are surrounding Susanoo. Sasuke swings its blade, which causes Raikage to back up near everyone else. Everyone is blown out of their minds.)
“What the hell is that,” yelled Tuschikage. “No matter; we all got to work together and take it down,” yelled Mifune. (Everyone begins making handseals and preparing for powerful jutsu.) “NO ESCAPE SASUKE,” yelled Raikage. “Yoton: Ocean,” said Mizukage. “Earth Element: Earth Quake,” said Tuschikage. (A shield forms around Susanoo’s right arm.) “We have to use a different approach; he can block all incoming techniques. Quick Sand,” said Gaara.
(Samurai surrounds Susanoo from all angles.) “Let’s do it,” said Mifune. (Sand Team are preparing their techniques, Chojuro is preparing his technique, Shii and Darui are preparing their techniques, Earth village aides prepare their techniques. Scene switches to Madara, as he notices Sasunoo in the sky.)
"Sasuke's hatred is shaking the foundations of the shinobi world," said Madara. "What should we do," ask Dark Zetsu. "This way, Sasuke will be hunted down for as long as he lives. The grudge he shares with Konoha will extended to all nations. Uzumaki Naruto, can you see the hatred that has festered in side him," said Madara.
"Do you think he can really hate Sasuke," asked Zetsu. "Hatred forces men to gain power in order to gain revenge. If Naruto lacks the hatred to do that, Sasuke is as good as mine," said Madara.
Next Time: All Out Collision: Sasunoo vs. The United Powers
Naruto 465: Attack On The Summit
CLICK Images to Enlarge
CLICK Images to Enlarge

by: Numinous
Naruto 466: Hide and Seek
Also read previous prediction:
Naruto 465: Pride
Naruto 466: Hide and Seek
Naruto 467: Challenge
(Sasuke Scene)
Gaara: Temari, Kankurou, attack Susano’o! We got to exhaust him!
Temari: Right! Great Cutting Whirlwind Technique! (she swings her fan, creating cyclonic winds, but Susano’o’s mirror reflects them, making them return to Temari) Oh no, you don’t! (sings her fan one more time, nullifying the winds)
Kankurou: That mirror reflects jutsus… time for my puppets to shine! (sends his puppets to Susano’o who protects itself with the mirror) Temari…
Temari: Got it! (turns to Kagutsuchi and swings her fan again, with little effect) Damn!
Darui: Let me aid you, Raikage-sama. (rushes towards Kagutsuchi and stucks his sword in it; Kagutsuchi tries to punch Darui, but Gaara’s sand protects him)
Raikage: This is one tough motherf*cker… time to use my special stash of jutsu!
(Karin Scene)
(In a dark corner)
Karin: (thinking) I hope Sasuke’s alright… damn, I can’t sense anything!
Shii: (jumping through the roofs) The last signal was around here… now, if I were her, were I would hide? (stops and looks around) This intense chakra… so dark, so cold… I hope the Raikage is alright. (jumps to the next roof)
(Sasuke Scene)
(Kurotsuchi is behind a pillar)
Kurotsuchi: This Sasuke is unbelievable! No wonder Deidara lost for him…
Raikage: (holding a big ball of ligntning) Raiton: Raijin Oomune!* (throws at Kagutsuchi, which shrieks in pain; Gaara’s sand surround Susano’o )
Gaara: Subaku Kyuu. (Gaara’s sand totally covers Susano’o) Subaku Sousou! (the sand explodes and falls, but Susano’o’s intact) Hmmm…
Sasuke: I already told you, it is the absolute defense.
Kurotsuchi: (sees a small crack in its back, near the floor; thinking) Now is my cue! I’ll avenge you, nii-chan! (takes off her right glove, revealing a mouth in her palm, which starts to bite and chew the pillar)
*Lightning Release: Raijin’s Big Heart
(Taka Scene)
Karin: Found you! (pats on his back, scaring him)
Suigetsu: Geez, you scare me to death! What are you doing here?
Karin: It’s ok, I’ve hidden my chakra, and it will take a while to the other sensor guy to return here.
Suigetsu: Now go and help Juugo and come back!
Karin: Ok.
Juugo: Ka…rin…
Karin: Bite me, Juugo! (he bites her) Aaaaughh! (his wounds are healed up)
Juugo: Thanks… (they approach Suigetsu)
Suigetsu: Did you find where the Hokage is?
Karin: Yes, but he’s totally surrounded by powerful people, so we can’t go there.
Juugo: And we can’t go to Sasuke, since he’s inside that jutsu…
Suigetsu: Oh man, we can’t do anything now!
Karin: (thinking) So, Sasuke…
(Shii Scene)
Shii: She reactivated her chakra… she’s back at the battlefield… there’s no time to waste! (turns back)
(Sasuke Scene)
(The Raikage, Darui and Temari assault Kagutsuchi, while Gaara protects them and Kankurou attacks Susano’os mirror with his puppets)
Karin: (thinking) What’s your plan? (sees something small approach Susano’o’s back) What the..? (a cloud of smoke appears, revealing while dissipating something similar to a giant cherry blossom)
Kurotsuchi: KATSU! (an explosion hits the back of Susano’o’s neck, shaking it like it’s in agony)
Sasuke: (thinking) A bomb? From where?
Kurotsuchi: (revealing herself) From here, jerk! (Gaara’s sand disappears and two more cherry blossoms appear) KATSU! (they explode; Gaara’s sand erupts from the bottom of Susano’o, almost reaching Sasuke, but he jumps; Susano’o’s left hands shakes off Kankurou’s puppets enters its chest, stopping the sand with the mirror; Sasuke lands on the back of the hand)
Gaara: (to Kurotsuchi) From the bottom, clever.
Kurotsuchi: Thanks. (throws two more bombs)
Gaara: (to Sasuke) For an “absolute defense”, it sure has the most stupid flaw conceivable…
Sasuke: Tsh… so that Deidara had a sister, eh? You’re even more knuckleheaded then him, for attacking Susano’o like that.
Kurotsuchi: But unlike him, I actually think first…
Sasuke: No matter, I’ll just reinforce that part of Susano’o.
Kurotsuchi: Too late! (two cherry blossom appear near its bottom) KATSU! (they explode)
Sasuke: It’s no use… (sees a cloud of chakra pouring inside Susano’o, elevating from the bottom; thinking) That cloud of chakra… the micro bombs! (starts to charge Chidori)
Kurotsuchi: Think faster! KATSU! (giant particles of pollen appear and explode, making Susano’o fall apart; Kagutsuchi disappears)
(Taka Scene)
Suigetsu: What happened?!
Juugo: They crushed Susano’o.
Suigetsu: And Sasuke?
Karin: He’s still alive… I can sense his chakra, it suffered a great toll but he’s still got some.
Suigetsu: Phew….
(Sasuke Scene)
Kankurou: Yes! (the smoke cloud disperses, Sasuke is unharmed and Susano’o is regenerating) What?
Sasuke: Nice try, but I was unharmed, so what’s the use? (Susano’o reshapes quickly, adding a veil in its bottom) If I defeated your brother, why do you think you can defeat me?
Raikage: Oh, the arrogance! I’ll make you shut up, punk! (the Raikage tries to rush towards Sasuke, but Darui stops him) What the hell, Darui?!
Darui: Easy, Raikage-sama. Let them take care of him for now.
Raikage: Hmmph…
Kurotsuchi: Well, the element of surprise is ruined…
Gaara: But those bombs are tiring him out, he wastes chakra fixing Susano’o and it tires him… keep dropping bombs.
Kurotsuchi: Right!
(Madara Scene)
(Dark Zetsu watches the fight from afar, Madara appears next to him)
Madara: How’s Sasuke doing?
Dark Zetsu: The Raikage dominated the first part of the fight, even Amaterasu wasn’t enough to stop him… but now that he’s using Susano’o, they’re having an hard time getting through it. Even now they almost got him, but he recovered Susano’o fast.
Madara: Good. Humm… why you’re still in one half?
Dark Zetsu: The Raikage snaped the neck of my other half, and the other Kages won’t leave me alone.
Madara: Oh… harsh.
Dark Zetsu: Meh… I’m off to see a much better fight, I’m sure Kisame will put a better show. (starts to vanish)
(Sasuke Scene)
Kurotsuchi: KATSU! (two more explosions hit the bottom)
Gaara: (clapping his hands) Ryuusa Bakuryuu*! (A wave of sand rushes towards Susano’o, crushing in its bottom)
Sasuke: It’s futile. (the micro bombs arise, but Sasuke has already Chidori ready and executes them; Kurotsuchi throws two more bombs)
Sasuke: How redundant… (Fuuton: Rasenshuriken appears from behind; thinking) A fuuton? It can’t be Temari’s, or else I would notice… (The Rasenshuriken starts to cut the base of Susano’o, which leads to Sasuke jump; Susano’o’s left hand enters again its chest for Sasuke to land; Rasenshuriken enters Susano’o and tears it to pieces, Sasuke suffers some cuts; it falls apart)
Raikage: What the hell was that thing? (Sasuke gets up and tries to reshape Susano’o, but someone is next to him)
Sasuke: (thinking) Who the…
Naruto: (with Sage Mode eyes) SASUKE!!!! (Punches Sasuke in the stomach)
*Sand Tsunami
Next chapter: Challenge
Also read previous prediction:
Naruto 465: Pride
Naruto 466: Hide and Seek
Naruto 467: Challenge
by: The Special One
Sasuke vs. Kage(s)
“Sasuke, they won’t let us escape,” said Karin. “Wanna bet,” said Sasuke. “Chojuro,” yelled Mizukage. (As Sasuke attempts to turn around, a small mist cloud blocks Sasuke’s path, he and Karin backs up. As the mist clears, Chojuro is seen blocking the exit, wielding his weapon.)
“That’s one of Chojuro’s special abilities. He can break his body up into water particles, then with the heat, he evaporates into steam and can control where he reforms. It’s not hot in the Land of Iron, he must have used the heat from my Yoton, kid’s pretty fluid,” thought Mizukage.
“Mist Shinobi it seems,” said Sasuke. “I’m Chojuro of the seven mist swordsmen; I heard you’re group had defeated former member, Zabuza of the devil. Never did like that guy, but you must be strong. Meet my Hiramekarei. Strong, you must be really strong,” said Chojuro
“He’s trembling,” thought Sasuke. “Don’t underestimate him because he’s a kid, he is probably skilled like Kisame,” yelled Karin.
(Immediately, Chojuro’s blade is swung horizontally up high near Sasuke’s neck. Sasuke sweats a little. Soon, Sasuke is tossed across the room and lands in the center. He is knocked off his heat and lands on his behind. Sasuke has his chidori charged blade out, he then uses it to regain footing by using it as a cane to return to his feet.)
“What a battle,” said the laughing Tuschikage.
“He’s strong to wield that blade so effortlessly. Kisame, Zabuza, and even Suigetsu; they must have trained for years,” thought Sasuke.
“Sasuke,” yelled Karin. “He pulled out his blade in the nick of time,” said Chojuro. “Uchiha Sasuke, to think he’s fast enough to avoid Chojuro’s Silent Homicide Technique. And Chojuro’s version surpasses even Zabuza’s. He defended against Chojugo’s wide blade with that small katana and lightning fast reflexes; he’s skilled for sure,” said Mizukage.
(Immediately, Mifune drops in from above to strike Sasuke.)
“Dance of the Crescent Moon Technique,” said Mifune. (Several copies of Mifune attacks Sasuke from all angles. Then, the real one attacks from Sasuke’s blind side however, Sasuke parries the attack, and sends Mifune backwards.)
“His sharingan read my attack, so he saw through the illusions,” said Mifune.
“Should I,” asked Akatuschi. “Shit, seeing these young people heat it up got me a little excited. Let me,” said the laughing Tuschikage. (Tuschikage touches a wall.) “Earth Element: Stone Lodging Destruction; trust in my jutsu, I won’t hurt ya,” said Tuschikage. (Large debris from the ceiling come tumbling down on Sasuke’s location.) “Sorry Sasuke, I’ll have to sneak out, it is too dangerous,” thought Karin. (Sasuke activates Chidori Chakra Sword and the Chidori blade to protect himself from the falling debris. With quick slashes, Sasuke is destroying the boulders that are falling from the ceiling.)
“We can’t get any closer while the jutsu is still active,” said Mizukage. “The old man sure knows how to put on a show,” said Akatuschi. (The ceiling has now been cleaned off, Sasuke still is unharmed however, he sweats heavily; the lightning chakra dissipates and he relaxes a little.)
“Hmm,” mumbled Tuschikage. (Immediately sand surrounds Sasuke and constricts him, as everyone is shocked; Gaara lands near everyone.)
“Sand Coffin,” said Gaara. “From above; damn, I can’t make my handseals,” said Sasuke. (From behind Raikage has his fist balled up, he prepares to use a hammer attack to pound on Sasuke’s head. Sasuke slightly turns his head around to see Raikage in the act.)
“Lights Out BITCH,” yelled Raikage. “AHHHHHHHHH,” Sasuke yells. (All of a sudden Susanoo breaks out, the entire area is ruined. As the smoke clears ALL the Kage and their aide are surrounding Susanoo. Sasuke swings its blade, which causes Raikage to back up near everyone else. Everyone is blown out of their minds.)
“What the hell is that,” yelled Tuschikage. “No matter; we all got to work together and take it down,” yelled Mifune. (Everyone begins making handseals and preparing for powerful jutsu.) “NO ESCAPE SASUKE,” yelled Raikage. “Yoton: Ocean,” said Mizukage. “Earth Element: Earth Quake,” said Tuschikage. (A shield forms around Susanoo’s right arm.) “We have to use a different approach; he can block all incoming techniques. Quick Sand,” said Gaara.
(Samurai surrounds Susanoo from all angles.) “Let’s do it,” said Mifune. (Sand Team are preparing their techniques, Chojuro is preparing his technique, Shii and Darui are preparing their techniques, Earth village aides prepare their techniques. Scene switches to Madara, as he notices Susanoo in the sky.)
"Sasuke's hatred is shaking the foundations of the shinobi world," said Madara. "What should we do," ask Dark Zetsu. "This way, Sasuke will be hunted down for as long as he lives. The grudge he shares with Konoha will extended to all nations. Uzumaki Naruto, can you see the hatred that has festered in side him," said Madara.
"Do you think he can really hate Sasuke," asked Zetsu. "Hatred forces men to gain power in order to gain revenge. If Naruto lacks the hatred to do that, Sasuke is as good as mine," said Madara.
Next Time: All out Collision; Susanoo vs. The United powers.
by: jeanericuser
Sasuke vs the 5 Kages
Sasuke is looking at Mizukage with an angered expression. Mizukage smiles back at him.
Sasuke: "Let me leave now and I will let you live."
Mizukage: "Let me live eh? What says you will even escape from this building?"
Karin: "Be careful Sasuke. Something isnt right about her chakra."
Chojuro: "Allow me to finish this Mizukage."
Chojuro steps forward and charges at him. Sasuke has brief flash where he sees the image of naruto superimposing Chojuro. Sasuke smiles.
Chojuro: "Prepare to die Sasuke Uchiha!"
Chojuro charges in and tries to attack sasuke with a large sword. Sasuke easily dodges the blade and with a swing of his katana sends it crashing out of his hands. He then grabs Chojuro by the throat and charges up the katana with chidori.
Sasuke: "Let me leave now or I will kill him."
Mizukage smiles and winks at Chojuro who responds by smiling. Karin turns around to see a shadowy figure standing inside room.
Karin: "Sasuke look out!"
Sasuke drops Chojuro and turns around in time to see Suigetsu with Darui's sword swinging it right at him. Sasuke has a surprised look on his face. Sasuke ducks back and narrowly avoids getting hit by the blade.
Karin: "Suigetsu! What the hell are you doing?"
Suigetsu smiles and jumps back so he is standing next to Chojuro.
Suigetsu: "You all obviously forget where I am from."
Karin: "Suigetsu what the hell are you doing?!"
Mizukage giggles and suigetsu smiles while Chojuro blushes.
Mizukage: "They obviously haven't figured it out. Go ahead and tell them."
Suigetsu: "When my training with the seven swordsman was completed I was given a special assignment by the Mizukage herself."
Karin: "..."
Suigetsu: "Locate akatsuki and gather whatever intelligence I could."
Sasuke: "So that is why you agreed to join me? You knew it would lead you to akatsuki."
Suigetsu: "Well since you didn't suspect me I just kept playing along. All the way from the attack on the cloud village and up until now. This is where our journey together must end."
Mizukage: "Enough with the talk Suigetsu or would you rather that they dealt with him."
Sasuke turns around to see the wall has cleared away to reveal Raikage and Garaa standing in the way out. Raikage charges at Sasuke but sasuke narrowly dodges around him while raikage crashes into the table. Mifune charges at sasuke and their swords clash. Karin turns to face garaa but instantly she finds herself covered in sand.
Karin: "Sasuke...Help!"
Sasuke looks towards Karin and Mifune tries to take advantage. Sasuke dodges but the blade strikes him. Poof! Everyone is shocked including Karin when sasuke litterally vanishes.
Danzo is then shown standing in snow with his bodyguards and Ao laying on the ground. Sasuke is standing next to him with his sword drawn.
Sasuke: "I have waited a long time to do this."
Danzo: "Why is it you are here to kill me Sasuke Uchiha?"
Next episode: Danzo vs Sasuke Uchiha
by: Silverblade
Sasuke *Thinking: Damnit.. Acid element. This could get Dangerous. I have to end this now.*
-Sasuke stares at the Mizukage with a cold glance, blood begins to descend from his eyelids. The sharingan forms crooked a surplus of crooked lines. A ghostly figure suddenly engulfs Sasuke.
Karin: !! *Thinking: What is up with Sasuke? We need to hurry up and find Danzou.*
Mizukage: Hmph! That thing don't scare me. *Performs a series of handseals.*
She yells! Santon: Abyss of Hell (S-ranked Jutsu)
-Suddenly a pit of acid forms beneath Sasuke's feet. The bottom of Sasuke's Aura is beginning to dissolve. He jumps back quickly.
Sasuke *Thinking: A blind spot. I have to end this quickly. I'll have to use that genjutsu.*
-Sasuke's eye begins to blacken, blood bursts from his left eye while he holds his right, the Mizukage begins to freak out after and everyone is shocked.
Sasuke yells: AKUMA!!!
-Everything around the Mizukage becomes dark and quiet. Sasuke's Mangekyou appears infront of her as black ropes extend from his eye drawing her in. The Mizukage yells within the genjutsu. Everything returns to normal and she end up seeing everyone in the kage room as her enemies (Except Sasuke and Karin.)-
Chojiro: Mizukage sama is under a genjutsu! and whats that black cloak around her?!
Chojiro *thinking: I have to release the genjutsu*
-Chojiro springs over to the Mizukage and meets Susanoo's fist which knocks him into wall. Mizukage see that she surrounded by figures of people she dislike with Akatsuki cloaks.
Mizukage: Get away from me you Akatsuki scum! You killed my lover!
-Mizukage uses Santon: Acid Spray! A stream of acid spews from her mouth melting everything in its path. The acid is aimed at Mifune, but he ends up dodging it.
Sasuke: Heh. Gotta go. Have fun.
-Susanoo punches a hole through the wall. Sasuke deactivates Susanoo and Karin asks him a question.
Karin: What did you do to the Mizukage?
Sasuke: Akuma genjutsu. I can manipulate the target to do anything.
*Thinking: This the jutsu Madara used to control the kyuubi perhaps.*
Karin: !! Danzou has a chakra sensor with him.
Sasuke: Tch!
- Scene switches to Mizukage -
She appears to have the Sharingan due to Sasuke's genjutsu.
Mifune: She's possessed.
Chojiro: Cough* ugh.. What a jutsu.
Tsuchikage: Hey Akatsuchi, take me to the rafters i want to watch this with popcorn. I've haven't had any entertainment like this since the ninja wars.
Akatsuchi: You bet!
Mizukage: SHRIMP! Prepare to die.
- Santon: Acid prison.* The room walls and ceiling are made of acid. Akatsuki you all will perish here for doing that to my lover and the fourth mizukage.*
Tsuchikage: Akatsuchi. Fix my hip. This scum doesn't realize who she's talking to.
- Scene switch -
The Samurai burst in Naruto's log cabin. Konoha shinobi. You are working with Sasuke Uchiha. About 20 samurai surround Yamato, Kakashi and Naruto.
Kakashi: Wait? What?!!
Samurai: Sasuke Uchiha is attacking the kages at the summit. Time for your execution.
Naruto: !!!!!! *Super emo face. Grinds his teeth*
by: Vengeance
Mizukage: Why don't you just sit down & talk to me until the other boys get here. You're pretty handsome after all let's be friends & end this pointless fighting.
Sasuke: I'm afraid that I have to decline your invitation I have someone I need to take care of.
Chojuuro appears behind Sasuke with his blade to Sasuke's throat.
Chojuuro: The lady asked you politely to stop your foolishness you'd best accept her offer before we kill you.
Sasuke thinking: he's fast!
Sasuke uses Nagashi on Chojuuro & he gets knocked back. Mizukage smiles at Sasuke as he's hit from behind with the white goo left on the wall from Mizukage's earlier attack.
Sasuke: ArrrHHH!!!!
Sasuke channels raiton to remove the sticky goo.
Sasuke thinking: She can control it with her mind!
Sasuke uses shunshin to quickly get behind Mizukage & stabs her in the back.
Mizukage: Hahahahaha!!!! that tickled!!! You're really something Uchiha Sasuke!!!
Sasuke thinking: WTF?!?!
Sasuke channels raiton into his blade to electrify the Mizukage. Mizukage falls to the floor. Sasuke turns to Karin.
Sasuke: We're leaving Karin.
Karin: Y-yes Sasuke-kun...
Karin thinking: He didn't even hesitate to kill her.... Sasuke.. I don't know you anymore...
Mizukage: Chojuuro I'm thirsty!
Sasuke & Karin look back shocked!
Chojuuro: But... I don't want...
Mizukage: I said come here Chojuuro!!! Don't worry I won't take everything!
Sasuke thinking: How is she still alive?
Chojuuro appears in front of Mizukage. Mizukage grabs Chojuuro by the neck & kisses him. Chakra can be seen leaving his body as he starts to age.
Chojuuro: ARRHHHH!!!!!!
Karin thinking: What is this strange chakra I'm feeling. This is really bad at this rate...
Karin: Sasuke we need to leave right now!
Mizukage releases Chojuuro as he falls to his knees vanishes & reappears in back of Karin & back smacks her across the face knocking her out. A dark chakra can be seen around Mizukage.
Mizukage: None of you are going anywhere! You will tell me everything you know about Akatsuki & Uchiha Madara!
Chojuuro: You took to much Mizukage!
Sasuke looks at Chojuuro who now looks like he's in his 20s in shock.
Mizukage: O just relax you're now a man thanks to me. You should be grateful now you'll be a stronger Shinobi. I only took 8 years or so from you.
Sasuke vanishes using shunshin & reappears above Mizukage coming down with a sword swing. Mizukage side steps dodging the attack & Chojuuru appears behind Sasuke & kicks him in his back.
Sasuke thinking: There both faster than before!
Mizukage spits out more white goo as it splits apart circling Sasuke.
Sasuke thinking: Shit!
Mizukage: There's no escape now!
The white goo all goes at Sasuke from every direction at the same time. Susano'o appears around Sasuke to block the attack.
Mizukage: O what glorious chakra!!! I'll devour it all until you're nothing but a pile of dust!!!
Mizukage's jaw unlocks like a snake as she bites down on Susano'o. Susano'o shatters & Mizukage can be seen on top of Sasuke.
Mizukage: You really are handsome Uchiha Sasuke.
Mizukage kisses Sasuke & chakra can be seen leaving his body! Out of no where a huge wave floods the area removing Mizukage from Sasuke.
Suigetsu: You son of a bitch how could you leave us like that! This is the last time I save your arse after we kill Danzou we're going after Kisame & Madara! I don't want to hear anymore of your bullshit Madara played you like a fool!
Mizukage thinking: Kisame!? Do they really work for Akatsuki? What's going on here!!
A large bang can be heard as the wall shatters.
Raikage: I found you bitch prepare to die!!!
Mizukage steps in front of Raikage not so fast we all need to calm down & talk for a moment!!! Sasuke is not an ally of Akatsuki!!!
The End: As the battle reaches it's climax Mizukage steps in to defend Sasuke. What will unfold from all this chaos?!?!
by: killerrabbit9
My prediction.
Sasuke: Waste? Waste of my time you mean. (aiming towards ceiling) Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
Mizukage: (sign in one hand, other hand jabbing fingers into wall) Water Release: Saturation Technique
The ceiling holds
Sasuke: !
Mizukage: You're not getting away that easy, through capillary action I can saturate all the surfaces in this room with water. So let's play hottie. (smiles)
Chapter 466: Sasuke vs. Kunoichi
Sasuke: (thinking) The water runs through all the walls, the floor and the ceiling. Only a strong Earth Technique would penetrate it or maybe.. (says) Chidori Senbon! (And it fails!) The room is misty.
Mizukage: Sorry, did I mention I also increased the water in the air. At near 100% humidity lightning techniques are severely limited. Now lets see how you take the heat! (touches the wall again) Lava Release: Sauna Technique!
The room gets really steamy and everyone is sweating.
Tsuchikage: What kind of technique is this? Mizukage finish this quickly, with my blood pressure...
Mizukage: (She is headed for Sasuke right fist forward) It's already over, Lava Release: Magma Punch!
Sasuke tries to dodge
Mizukage: What?
Sasuke is on his butt and surrounded by mini susuano' o again.
Mizukage: Does anyone know what's going on?
Switch scene
Danzo: We're being pursued aren't we?
Fu: Yes, by the Byakugan thief from the Mist.
Torune: Someone is coming from our left as well.
Danzo: Well, you two greet the others, I shall demonstrate the superiority of the Sharingan!
Danzo stops, and Ao appears.
Ao: I'm sorry but I can't let you leave.
Naruto: And neither can I!
Danzo turns and Fu is held by Kakashi who sports a Raikiri, Torune is held by Yamato by some wood from his arm. Naruto is in normal mode but wears his cape.
Back to Mizukage and Sasuke
Tsuchikage: I'm glad that technique's over.
Mizukage: For some reason the battle isn't, what is that?
Sasuke: This is my absolute defense, Susano'o.
Karin: Sasuke, something is up, Danzo's chakra is flucuating.
Mizukage: Ao is doing his job then. I guess I'll need to get serious, unfortunately this room is too small.
Tsuchikage: Akatsuchi! Help her out!
Akatsuchi: Ok! (slams fist into wall) Earth Release: Tremor technique!
There is a crack in the wall and the room shakes, then the entire ceiling blows out rather forcefully.
Akatsuchi: Oops, a bit too much?
Tsuchikage: Oops! If it wasn't for my back, I'd show you what “oops” really means!
Mizukage: Thanks anyway, now--
Sasuke: Chidori!
There's a puff of smoke, Sasuke is held back by a shield.
Mizukage: That was a close one.
A kitsune* with one tail and a shield and sword is revealed.
Sasuke: (thinking) A summoning?
The kitsune has a very narutoish face, especially his eyes and whiskers
Kitsune: (Proudly) Hah! As if I, the great Katsake would allow the beautiful...
Mizukage: (annoyed) Where's Katsuki?
Katsake: But aren't I good enough?
Chojoru: (thinking) This kid must be pretty good if she's using her summoning, still why these weaklings?
A female looking kitsune appears from under the table. She also has one tail and a lighter color.
Katsuki: You can't even use our special technique!
Katsake: Can too! I'll show you. Kitsune Secret Battle Technique! Cloak on!
Katsake's body is covered in a liquid armor that connects to his sword and shield, his ears are still exposed.
Katsake: See, see!
Mizukage: Its good enough for now, I'll complete it, get ready, (she puts her palm on his armor) Lava Release: Kitsune Magma Cloak Combination!
Katsake's armor becomes hot and bubbly, eerily like Naruto's Kyubi cloak. Mizukage points at Sasake,
Sasuke: (thinking) Naruto...
Katsake lunges at Sasuke who strikes back with a chidori sword, which gets cut by Kasake's sword.
Mizukage: Keep in mind sweetie, these are only one-tailed, and the weakest of my summons. I can summon up to an eight-tailed kitsune, Strike!
Katsake lunges at Sasuke again, who might be nervous, when suddenly someone punches Sasuke who couldn't move.
Karin: Who is that?
Shikamaru: Kagemane no Jutsu, success!
Sakura: Sasuke! That was for what you've put Naruto through and this next one is for what you've put me through!
Sakura has reached the battlefield! Next time: He's Mine! Sasuke's opponent is …?
*Kitsune is the Japanese word for Fox.
A theory of mine: I think the Mizukage may be related to Naruto's mom, perhaps her sister?
by: Myth
Sasuke" thinking*what is that stuff*
Chojiruu" She's actually serious, I can't believe it.
Karin" Sasuke her chakra is strong, in your current state its dangerous to keep fighting.
Sasuke" Get back KARIN! I'll finish this quickly
*Mankegyou Sharingan*
Sasuke's eyes assume their emo glance the mizukage starts to wet herself a bit as does Karin.
Mizukage" Oh, the Mankegyou Sharingan I've heard rumors about it.
Sasuke" Well then you must know the ultimate emo powers I posses with it..
Mizukage" They kind of Pale in comparison with your brothers don't they?
Sasuke" Harrrrr arrrrr how dare you speak my brother's name..
Mizukage" -_- I didn't say his name *this kid's an idiot*
Chojiro" what a fucking loser this uchiha is
Mifune" I concur this Sasuke is such a loser definitely weaker then Itachi
Sasuke" Harrrrrrrrrrr harrrrr arrrrr how dare you my eyes are powerful I ahve a power to destroy Konoha!!!!!! harrrrr!!!!
Tsuchikage" You do realize Konoha's been destroyed already right?
Sasuke" Oh right I forgot, well harrr my eyes can destroy you.....
Mizukage" Enough talk let's do this... Acid style Acid Juice jutsu(where do you think the juice came from )
Sasuke" Ahh I've never felt this before...
Karin" That's cause you're a FAG,
Mizukage" Kid you're Pathetic
Sasuke" ARGHHHHHHH!!! Maybe I'll kill you and everyone you love then perhpas you will feel my hatred...
Mizukage" How can I feel it if you Kill me-_-
Sasuke" I wanna eat you Mizukage
Mizukage" do you know how too eat?
Sasuke" !????!1???
Karin thinking*sasuke's such a fag*
Chojiruu" I want some Miso soup
Tschikage" I want to nap
Akam" I want cake..
Will sasuke eat the mizukage, will chojiruu get his fish, when will the old man take his nap, and will the fatass get his cake. Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of NaruBall Z
by: woo
Naruto – Chapter (unknown) - “Equality”
Also read the next chapter prediction:
"Memories of Deja Vu" by woo
"Equality" by woo
"Changes" by woo
The fight rages on between Sasuke and Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato are up against an unusual foe.
(Lightning strikes. Rain pours. Winds blows violently).
Madara – The forces of nature seem to be having a battle of their own.
Naruto screams – SASUKEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (He sets himself like a fox inhaling the raging winds)
Sasuke – You want us to be equals, you want me to acknowledge you, you want me to see you as a brother? I do, Naruto.... But you need to let go of me...! (Sasuke charges Raikiri using the lightning from above)
Sasuke charges, moment of impact naruto shoots out wind shurikens from his mouth. Sasuke is hit.
Sasuke regains footing and tries to electrify Naruto but he jumps and evade,
Sasuke – Fire Style – Great Dragon Fire Jutsu!
Naruto can't evade, he takes it head on.
Both are hurt. Naruto sets himself to lunge towards Sasuke.
Sasuke – Hmmm... (Attacks Naruto with Chidori Sharp Spear)
Naruto is imobilized. Naruto – AHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Roars)
The spear breaks, Thunder Crashes down between the two forces.
Madara – Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto.... One of you holds the future of Konoha within the palm of your hands....
(At Konoha Hospital)
Kakashi – Yamato, any improvments?
Yamato – Yes Senpai, thanks to Sakura-chan I'm almost back on my feet. How's your arm?
Kakashi – If we had not made it back sooner, i would've lost it. Our foe was truly formidable.
Yamato – Zetsu... Beings of two in the form of one... remarkable...
(Flashback Scene)
Kakashi and Yamato heading back to Konoha
Kakashi – Yamato...
Yamato – Wood Style – Four Pillars Technique!
Zetsu White – That was close...
Kakashi – Reveal yourself....
Zetsu W/B – Yourselves.... There's two of us....
Zetsu Black – Would you like to skip the formalities and just get to it?
Kakashi – Yes, very much so. (Sharingan)
Kakashi is behind Zetsu W/B, slices down with a kunai. Zetsu splits.
Yamato – I got white. Water Style – Destructive Rapid Torrents.
Kakashi – looks like I've got you, White. (Charges forth with a Raikiri)
Zetsu Black – Hmph! (Zetsu Black dissipates into the ground)
Zetsu White – Hmmm... (dissipates also but appears and forms with Zetsu Black and lunge at Kakashi's right arm, he tries to ingests Kakashi's right arm)
Yamato – Senpai! Water Style – Tearing Torrent!
Kakashi – Rasengan! (Unstable version imbued with lightning)
Zetsu W/B is electrocuted,
Yamato – Water Style Destructive Rapid Torrents
Kakashi – Lightning Hound
Zetsu W/B is electrified, he falls.
Kakashi – Yamato...
Yamato – Senpai! (He picks up Kakashi using earth style he is able to slide across the ground at fast speed, but with the risk of his legs being shredded as they traverse back to Konoha)
(Back at Konoha Hospital)
Kakashi – Yamato, thank you. You knew the risk of using that technique will damage your legs...
Yamato – Friends come before the mission Senpai, and Friends come before myself....
(Back to Madara)
Madara – Zetsu-san....
Zetsu W/B – (Gasp!)
Zetsu W/B's body is able to absorb the rays from the sun and the moisture in the air to repair his body.
Madara – Well isn't this something new...
(Back at the Valley of End)
Naruto charges forth with a Rasengan.
Sasuke – (evading) Chidori! (into naruto's back)
Naruto sinks into the water.
Sasuke shoots Chidori Sharp Spear into Naruto who is under water.
Naruto is electrified and slowly floats to the top.
Sasuke – (Charges forth) Chidori!
Naruto breathes calmly erupts with a powerful force. Sage mode.
Sasuke – You have new eyes, Naruto...
Next Issue - “Changes”
Also read the next chapter prediction:
"Memories of Deja Vu" by woo
"Equality" by woo
"Changes" by woo
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by: woo
Naruto – Chapter (unknown) - “Equality”
Also read the next chapter prediction:
"Memories of Deja Vu" by woo
"Equality" by woo
"Changes" by woo
The fight rages on between Sasuke and Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato are up against an unusual foe.
(Lightning strikes. Rain pours. Winds blows violently).
Madara – The forces of nature seem to be having a battle of their own.
Naruto screams – SASUKEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (He sets himself like a fox inhaling the raging winds)
Sasuke – You want us to be equals, you want me to acknowledge you, you want me to see you as a brother? I do, Naruto.... But you need to let go of me...! (Sasuke charges Raikiri using the lightning from above)
Sasuke charges, moment of impact naruto shoots out wind shurikens from his mouth. Sasuke is hit.
Sasuke regains footing and tries to electrify Naruto but he jumps and evade,
Sasuke – Fire Style – Great Dragon Fire Jutsu!
Naruto can't evade, he takes it head on.
Both are hurt. Naruto sets himself to lunge towards Sasuke.
Sasuke – Hmmm... (Attacks Naruto with Chidori Sharp Spear)
Naruto is imobilized. Naruto – AHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Roars)
The spear breaks, Thunder Crashes down between the two forces.
Madara – Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto.... One of you holds the future of Konoha within the palm of your hands....
(At Konoha Hospital)
Kakashi – Yamato, any improvments?
Yamato – Yes Senpai, thanks to Sakura-chan I'm almost back on my feet. How's your arm?
Kakashi – If we had not made it back sooner, i would've lost it. Our foe was truly formidable.
Yamato – Zetsu... Beings of two in the form of one... remarkable...
(Flashback Scene)
Kakashi and Yamato heading back to Konoha
Kakashi – Yamato...
Yamato – Wood Style – Four Pillars Technique!
Zetsu White – That was close...
Kakashi – Reveal yourself....
Zetsu W/B – Yourselves.... There's two of us....
Zetsu Black – Would you like to skip the formalities and just get to it?
Kakashi – Yes, very much so. (Sharingan)
Kakashi is behind Zetsu W/B, slices down with a kunai. Zetsu splits.
Yamato – I got white. Water Style – Destructive Rapid Torrents.
Kakashi – looks like I've got you, White. (Charges forth with a Raikiri)
Zetsu Black – Hmph! (Zetsu Black dissipates into the ground)
Zetsu White – Hmmm... (dissipates also but appears and forms with Zetsu Black and lunge at Kakashi's right arm, he tries to ingests Kakashi's right arm)
Yamato – Senpai! Water Style – Tearing Torrent!
Kakashi – Rasengan! (Unstable version imbued with lightning)
Zetsu W/B is electrocuted,
Yamato – Water Style Destructive Rapid Torrents
Kakashi – Lightning Hound
Zetsu W/B is electrified, he falls.
Kakashi – Yamato...
Yamato – Senpai! (He picks up Kakashi using earth style he is able to slide across the ground at fast speed, but with the risk of his legs being shredded as they traverse back to Konoha)
(Back at Konoha Hospital)
Kakashi – Yamato, thank you. You knew the risk of using that technique will damage your legs...
Yamato – Friends come before the mission Senpai, and Friends come before myself....
(Back to Madara)
Madara – Zetsu-san....
Zetsu W/B – (Gasp!)
Zetsu W/B's body is able to absorb the rays from the sun and the moisture in the air to repair his body.
Madara – Well isn't this something new...
(Back at the Valley of End)
Naruto charges forth with a Rasengan.
Sasuke – (evading) Chidori! (into naruto's back)
Naruto sinks into the water.
Sasuke shoots Chidori Sharp Spear into Naruto who is under water.
Naruto is electrified and slowly floats to the top.
Sasuke – (Charges forth) Chidori!
Naruto breathes calmly erupts with a powerful force. Sage mode.
Sasuke – You have new eyes, Naruto...
Next Issue - “Changes”
Also read the next chapter prediction:
"Memories of Deja Vu" by woo
"Equality" by woo
"Changes" by woo
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Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!
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TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 466, Naruto 466 Raw, Naruto Manga 466, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 466 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 466, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 466, Naruto 466 Predictions, Naruto 466 Wordpress, Naruto 466 Blogspot, Naruto 466 English, Naruto 466 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 466 Read Online, Naruto 466 Download, Naruto 466 Onemanga, Naruto 466 Mangahelpers, Naruto 466 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 466 Narutofan, Naruto 466 Narutocentral
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